Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 68


  • JÄCH, M.A.: Univ. Prof. DI DDr. h.c. Herbert Franz zum 90. Geburtstag, p.1, p.
  • BAEHR, M.: A new species of Phorticosomus Schaum from Australia (Carabidae), p.23, p.
  • TOLEDANO, L.: Microsinocys, a new subgenus of Bembidion Linn‚ from western China (Carabidae), p.27, p.
  • ZAMOTAJLOV, A. & SCIAKY, R.: A new species of the genus Ledouxius Zamotajlov, 1992 from Uttar Pradesh (India) (Carabidae), p.47, p.
  • PAILL, W.: Bemerkenswerte Laufkäfer aus Südost-Österreich (I) (Carabidae), p.53, p.
  • WEWALKA, G. & BISTRÖM, O.: Glareadessus gen.n. with description of two new species from the Persian Gulf Region (Dytiscidae), p.59, p.
  • WEWALKA, G. & WANG, L.-J.: Three new species of Microdytes Balfour-Browne from Laos and Borneo (Dytiscidae), p.65, p.
  • BALKE, M.: Updating the Pacific, Indomalayan and Neotropical Rhantus-fauna (Dytiscidae), p.71, p.
  • MAUS, Ch.: Taxonomical contributions to the subgenus Coprochara Mulsant & Rey, 1874 of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorst, 1802 (Staphylinidae), p.81, p.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Revision of the East Palaearctic and Oriental species of Philonthus Stephens - Part 1. The cyanipennis group (Staphylinidae), p.101, p.
  • O'KEEFE, S.T.: "Zur Kenntnis der Scydmaeniden der Welt": The contributions of Herbert Franz to scydmaenid taxonomy 1952-1997, p.119, p.
  • NEWTON, A.F. & FRANZ, H.: World catalog of the genera of Scydmaenidae (Scydmaenidae), p.137, p.
  • JÄCH, M.A.: Description of two new species of Hydraenida Germain (Hydraenidae), p.167, p.
  • JäCH, M.A.: Synopsis of the genus Ochtheosus Perkins (Hydraenidae), p.171, p.
  • JÄCH, M.A.: Revision of the Palearctic species of the genus Ochthebius Leach XX. The O. (Asiobates) rugulosus Wollaston species complex (Hydraenidae) p.175, p.
  • ANGUS, R.B.: Helophorus pallidipennis Mulsant & Wachanru and H. kervillei d'Orchymont as good species (Helophoridae), p.189, p.
  • ENDRÖDY-YOUNGA, S.: Acalyptomerus Crowson: the circumtropical genus of the family Clambidae (Clambidae), p.199, p.
  • PÜTZ, A.: Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Byrrhus Linn‚ aus der Verwandtschaft von Byrrhus (s.str.) reitteri Fiori aus Sibirien und dem Fernen Osten von Ruáland (Byrrhidae), p.205, p.
  • KODADA, J.: Franzyops longipalpis, a new genus and species of terrestrial Dryopidae from Venezuela (Dryopidae), p.211, p.
  • SCHIMMEL, R.: Neue Elateriden aus Ostasien und dem Iran (Elateridae), p.217, p.
  • SCHUH, R.: Franzorphius franzi gen. et sp.n. from China (Zopheridae: Colydiinae), p.227, p.
  • BRIGHT, D.E. & PECK, S.B.: Scolytidae from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, with descriptions of four new species, new distribution records, and a key to species (Scolytidae), p.233, p.
  • RHEINHEIMER, J.: Afrogeochus, eine neue Rüsselkäfer-Gattung aus Südafrika (Curculionidae), p.253, p.
  • BRANDSTETTER, C.M. & KAPP, A.: Interessante Käferfunde aus Vorarlberg (Österreich) und dem Fürstentum Liechtenstein (III.) (Coleoptera), p.257, p.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Österreich (VII) (Coleoptera), p.265, p.
  • Nachruf - obituary: In memoriam Rudolf Kenyery, p.269, p.
  • Instructions for authors, p.271, p.
  • Mitteilungen, p.64, p.
  • WCV Publications, p.166, p.