Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Instructions for Authors

Instructions for authors
Coleopterological Review (Koleopterologische Rundschau) & Monographs on Coleoptera

Koleopterologische Rundschau (Coleopterological Review) and Monographs on Coleoptera are exclusively coleopterological journals published by the Austrian Zoological-Botanical Society and the Vienna Coleopterists Society (Wiener Coleopterologen Verein, WCV) [WCV - Wiener Coleopterologen Verein (coleoptera.at)].

Members of the WCV are exempt from page charges. Non-Members are encouraged to join the WCV [link] (40 Euros annual membership fee) or pay 40 Euros. Senior authors of Koleopterologische Rundschau receive 30 printed reprints and a PDF-file of their article free of charge. To maintain this favourable arrangement in future, it is essential that the costs for editorial work are kept to a minimum. This can be achieved mainly by the authors following the instructions outlined below (especially those regarding the computer format) as precisely as possible.

I. General premises

1. At least one author must be member of the Vienna Coleopterists Society (Wiener Coleopterologen Verein, WCV). On request, the editorial committee may occasionally invite non-members to publish in Coleopterological Review and Monographs on Coleoptera.

2. According to the statutes of the WCV (§ 2.2), scientific manuscripts on taxonomy, phylogeny, morphology, zoogeography and faunistics of Coleoptera (without geographical restrictions) are published. Book reviews, obituaries, scientific notes, short notes, and announcements related to coleopterology can also be submitted for publication.

3. Manuscripts must be written concisely and any redundancies eliminated before submission.

5. On submission of the manuscript, the author(s) agree(s) that the manuscript will be peer-reviewed. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editor-in-chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees (including the editorial and advisory board). All peer review is single blind. The reviewers are asked to actively search for plagiarism.

6. On submission of the manuscript, the author(s) guarantee(s) that

· the manuscript has not been published before or has been submitted elsewhere.
· all authors agree to its submission and the corresponding author has been authorized by all co-authors.
· the manuscript does not violate any copyright or other personal proprietary right of any person or entity and it contains no abusive, defamatory, obscene or fraudulent statements, nor any other statements that are unlawful in any way.
. together with the manuscript, information should be sent concerning the financial background (funding) of the published work, other relevant data on the financing of the publication (if any) or any conflicts of interests (if applicable, in the Acknowledgements section). 

II. Manuscript preparation

1. Sequence

For the sequential organization of manuscripts follow “EXAMPLE” (see below) and recent issues of the journal.
Species descriptions should preferably be organized as follows: type locality, type material, additional material examined, description, differential diagnosis, discussion, distribution, ecology, etymology.

2. Introductions

The introduction should provide concise information on the following items: 1) historical and/or scientific background, 2) scope of the publication, 3) reasons why the author(s) find it necessary to publish the contents.
An introduction should serve to lead the reader into the subject of the paper. It must not contain results or lengthy discussions and it must not be extensively narrative.

3. Authors of taxa

· Authors of taxa (e.g. Hydraena riparia KUGELANN, 1794) must not be abbreviated. As an exception, Linnaeus (L.) and Fabricius (F.) may be abbreviated.
· Authors of taxa should be used only when mentioned for the first time in the text, in the headings and in the abstract.

4. Spaces

Do not leave two spaces after periods and colons in the running text.

Examples for correctly set spaces: 100 m; 0.2 mm (= 200 µm); 2 km W Grammatneusiedl; leg. M.A. Jäch; 5 GG, 4 EE; 5.III.1988; KODADA (1974c, 1980d, 1981); (Figs. 8, 9c–f, 11–13); 10 exs.; 0.20–0.45 mm long; 2.3 × as long as wide; O. (s.str.) lebetinus; syn.n.; sp.n.

5. Citations

- Citations in the running text:

The form of citations in the running text differentiates unmistakably between a citation of a taxon and a citation of a publication.
a) ... according to SCIAKY (1997) the distribution of this species is unknown ... [citation of a publication]
b) ... the distribution of this species is unknown (SCIAKY 1997)... [citation of a publication (no comma between author and year of publication)]
c) ... the distribution of Stomis extorris SCIAKY, 1997 is unknown... [citation of the species (comma between author and year of publication)]
d) ... nothing is known about the distribution of Stomis extorris (SCIAKY, 1997)... [citation of the species (comma between author and year of publication); this species was originally described in another genus]

- Citations in the references section:

Names of journals must not be abbreviated for the following reasons: 1) there is a very large (and still increasing) number of scientific journals with similar names; 2) there is no significant gain in space if journal names are abbreviated in the references section; 3) although there are several world lists of abbreviations of journal names, these lists may differ from one another and their abbreviations may deviate from a journal’s own preferred abbreviation.

If the “true” publication year of an article deviates from the data provided in the journal volume or on reprints, the incorrect year of publication should be added in square brackets after the volume number (see below, under FERY 1992 and RIBERA & FOSTER 1993).

It should be noted that journals may have changed their names during their history:
1925–1954: Bulletin & Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique
1955–1971: Bulletin & Annales de la Société Royale d’Entomologie de Belgique
1972–present: Bulletin & Annales de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie
1947–1970: The Coleopterists’ Bulletin
1971–present: The Coleopterists Bulletin

BERCIO, H. & FOLWACZNY, B. 1979: Verzeichnis der Käfer Preußens. – Fulda: Parzeller & Co, 369 pp.
BURAKOVSKY, B., MROCZKOVSKI, M. & STEFAŃSKA, J. 1976: Chrząszcze Coleoptera Adephaga prócz Carabidae, Myxophaga, Polyphaga: Hydrophiloidea. – Katalog Fauny Polski XXIII: 1–307.
FERY, H. 1992: Revision der “minutissimus-Gruppe” der Gattung Bidessus Sharp (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). – Entomologica Basiliensia 14 [1991]: 57–91.
HEBAUER, F. 1989: Familienreihe Hydrophiloidea (Palpicornia). – In Lohse, G.A. & Lucht, W. (eds.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Vol. 3. – Krefeld: Goecke & Evers, pp. 72–92.
HORION, A. 1949: Faunistik der mitteleuropäischen Käfer I. – Frankfurt/Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 388 pp.
JÄCH, M.A. & JI, L. 1995: Introduction, pp. 5–32. – In Jäch, M.A. & Ji, L. (eds.): Water Beetles of China, Vol. I. – Wien: Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleoptero-logenverein, 410 pp.
JÄCH, M.A. & SHARMA, S. 1998: Nepalese water beetles (Coleoptera) Dryopidae, Elmidae, Helophoridae, Hydraenidae, Heteroceridae, and Hydroscaphidae. – Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas, Kathmandu, Nepal, 24–28 March 1996: 599–607.
JANSSENS, E. 1968a: Hydraenidae d’Armenie. – Bulletin & Annales de la Société Royale d’Entomologie de Belgique 104: 109–117.
JANSSENS, E. 1968b: 139. Hydraenidae: Ochthebius Leach, II Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr.Z.Kaszab in der Mongolei. – Reichenbachia 11 (9): 83–86.
KADDOURI, A. 1986: Révision des Hydraena du Maroc, d’Algérie et de Tunesie (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae). – University of Toulouse (unpublished thesis), 156 pp.
KNISCH, A. 1924: Hydrophilidae. – In Schenkling, S. (ed.): Coleopterorum Catalogus, Part 79. – Berlin: W. Junk, 306 pp.
RIBERA, I. & FOSTER, G.N. 1993: Uso de Coleópteros acuáticos como indicadores biológicos (Coleoptera). – Elytron VI [1992]: 61–75.
SATÔ, M. 1985: Hydraenidae. – In Uéno, S.-I., Kurosawa, Y. & Satô, M. (eds.): The Coleoptera of Japan in Colour, Vol. II. – Osaka: Hoikusha Publishing, pp. 203–204.
SHATROVSKIY, A. 1989: 11. Hydraenidae (Limnebiidae). – In Ler, P.A. (ed.): Opredelitel nazekomych dalnevo vostoka SSSR, Vol. III, Part 1. – Leningrad [St. Petersburg]: Academy of Sciences, pp. 260–264.

6. Label data

When describing new species or subspecies, or when referring to type specimens, it is strongly recommended that the label data are copied as accurately as possible. To demonstrate that these data are reproduced precisely, they should be given between quotation marks. Different labels should be clearly separated, e.g., by a straight line (“ǀ”) or a backslash (“\”); a simple slash (“/”) is less ideal, because slashes are occasionally part of the label texts. To avoid misunderstandings, typographical errors should be followed by a “[sic]” or by juxtaposing the correct name between square brackets. Historical geographical names should be followed by their modern equivalents in square brackets as well. If explanations or translations are useful, they should also be added between square brackets.

Holotype G of Philaccolus giganteus (NMW): “NEU HOLLAND [= Australia] 1885 ǀ Holotype Philaccolus giganteus sp.n. des. M. Balke 1998”.
Lectotype E of Hydraena pensylvanica KIESENWETTER (SDEI): “Hydraena N.Y. .... [illegible word, ca. 4 letters, underlined]” [handwritten, with pencil], “Coll. Kraatz”, “Kiesenwetter det. Originaletikette siehe Katalog I. p.215 [original label according to catalog of historical collections of the SDEI, vol. I, p. 215]”, “DEI Eberswalde”, “det. Kniz [= Knisch] Ksw. [= Kiesenwetter] pennsylvanica [sic]”, “HOLOTYPUS Hydraena pensylvanica KSW. det. M. Jäch 1992”.

7. Abbreviations

A sentence should not begin with an abbreviation.

The following abbreviations should be used:
fam.n., subfam.n., trib.n., gen.n., subgen.n., sp.n., ssp.n., syn.n., nom.n., comb.n., stat.n., s.str., s.l., etc.
Fig. (plural: Figs.)
W, E, N, S, etc. [directions]
leg. [collected by], coll. [collection], det. [determined by], t. [Latin: teste (= attested or confirmed by)]
ex. [specimen] (plural: exs.)

Acronyms for private collections and museums should be presented in the following format (the acronyms themselves are not necessarily binding):

ANIC Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, Australia
BMNH Natural History Museum, London [formerly: British Museum, Natural History], UK
CHF Coll. Hans Fery, Berlin, Germany (property of NMW)
HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
IAECAS Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China
MNB Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
MNHN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
NMPC National Museum (Natural History), Prague, Czechia
NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria
RBINS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
SDEI Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany
SMF Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germany
SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany
SMTD Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany
TLM Sammlungs- und Forschungszentrum (SFZ) der Tiroler Landesmuseen, Hall in Tirol, Austria
ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Germany

8. Language

English and German are accepted as languages for publication. English manuscripts submitted by authors to whom English is not their native language must be linguistically revised by a native English-speaking entomologist who must be thanked in the acknowledgements. For publications in German at least title and abstract are additionally translated into English.

9. Geographical names

In taxonomic revisions, geography plays a very important role (e.g., in the compilation of distribution data). None the less, experience has shown that authors often do not pay enough attention to geographical data. Names of cities, mountains, etc., and borders of countries and provinces are frequently subject to radical changes [e.g., Elisabethpol (until 1920) → Kirovabad (until 1990) → Ganja (today)]. Geographical data found on labels or in the literature very often do not represent modern names and can thus be subject to confusion or deficiency. Thus, it is the duty of any revising author to deal with geographical names as accurately as possible. Historical geographical names must be traced back and their modern equivalents added in square brackets.

Lectotype G of Ochthebius hungaricus GANGLBAUER (NMW): “Herkulesbad [= today: Băile Herculane, SW Romania] ’01 [= 1901] \ leg.Winkler”.
According to GANGLBAUER (1895) this species occurs in “Kulab-Ost-Buchara, Turkestan” [= Kulob, Tadjikistan].
Type locality (according to BLABENSTEINER 1920): “Batavia” [= Jakarta], Java, Indonesia.

As for historical localities, Merriam-Webster’s geographical dictionary or one of the numerous internet sources can be recommended. 

As for historical localities in China and Central Asia, see for instance:
ZHAO, E. & ADLER, K. 1993: Herpetology of China. – New York: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 522 pp.
SCHÜTZE, H. & KLEINFELD, F. 1995: Die Carabenformen Chinas mit dem ausführlichen Verzeichnis ihrer Fundorte. – Schwanfelder Coleopterologische Mitteilungen, special issue III: 127 pp.
SCHÜZTE, H. & KLEINFELD, F. 1997: Carabusformen Sibiriens und Zentral-Asiens. – Gleichen, Fürth: Schütze & Kleinfeld, 198 pp.
When listing distributional data, geographical names must be sequenced logically (e.g. geogra-phically, alphabetically).
Distribution: Japan, China, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra, Bali, Flores).
When listing several localities within one country these localities should be sorted according to provinces (or equivalent political divisions).
T U R K E Y: KOCAELI (IZMIT): S Karamürsel, 4.VIII.1988, 10°12''W 58°34''S, leg. E. Kirschenhofer (NMW); BALIKESIR: Aliova River, W Dursunbey, 2.VIII.1988, leg. M. Schmid (NMW); IZMIR: 40 km N Bergama, 4.VIII.1988, leg. H. Schönmann (NMW); ANKARA: Karaboğas River, ...

10. Computer format

Manuscripts must be submitted as computer files (preferably sent through e-mail) in WORD.

Authors are requested to format paragraphs themselves using format styles of the “EXAMPLE” below. For format styles, page setup (paper size, A4: 210 x 297 mm, and margins), see text sample below.

The character style Times New Roman is used for the text, Arial (or similar type font, e.g. Univers) is used for figure numbers (see below).

SMALL CAPS must exclusively be used for authors of taxa and authors of references. Small caps must never be used for authors mentioned in the publication title of a reference, for collectors, for determinators, or in the acknowledgements, etc.

JANSSENS, E. 1968: 139. Hydraenidae: Ochthebius Leach, II Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. – Reichenbachia 11 (9): 83–86.

Scientific names of the genus group, species group and infrasubspecific names must be italicised.
Type size is 18 pt for headings H1 and H2, 12 pt for H3, H7 and P1, 11 pt for P5, P6 and P7, and 10 pt for format styles H4, H5, H6, P2, P3 and P4 (see “EXAMPLE”).

In keys, the empty space after the first ordinal number, and the serial dots must be indicated by one tabulator, not by empty spaces and not by typing numerous dots (see “EXAMPLE”).

If figures are not incorporated in the text, figure captions must be inserted at the end of the file, below the author’s address.
Special characters: Male and female characters can be copied from here (G = male, E= female). Alternatively, other easily replaceable characters or character combinations, e.g. § or mmm for male, and $ or fff for female, can be used.
Quotation marks, apostrophes, and minutes/seconds: “smart quotes” (in German: typographische Anführungszeichen) and ‘smart apostrophes’ must be used instead of "straight quotes" (in German: gerade Anführungszeichen) and 'straight apostrophes'. However, when referring to geographical coordinates, straight fonts must be used for minutes (') resp. seconds ('') in order to distinguish them from apostrophes and quotes (’).

11. Ink drawings, halftones (photographs, slides, pencil drawings, water colour paintings)

Figures should be submitted as files (preferably sent as e-mail attachments), either already arranged in plates (CorelDRAW or Photo Shop) or as individual bitmaps (*.tif, *.jpg, *.bmp). When plates are arranged in Photo Shop (*.psd) layers must not be flattened [German: Ebenen nicht zusammenführen!].

If figures are submitted as individual files they should meet the following prerequisites: line drawings (1-bit b/w), b/w halftones (8-bit greyscale), colour images (24-bit RGB). Files should have enough resolution to enable a proper print output size at 300 dpi. If figures are submitted individually a tentative pre-arrangement to plates (printed sketch or CorelDRAW-file or Photo Shop-file) is appreciated.

CorelDRAW-files should be saved in version X5 or earlier.

Figures are numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (character style: Arial, Univers, or any similar font). For correct size of figure numbers on the plates see CorelDRAW-file.

Detailed morphological illustrations must be provided with a scale.

Ink drawings and halftones may also be submitted as original drawings/photographs, but should preferably be arranged in plates or, if submitted individually, be accompanied by a tentatively arranged plate contrived from copies of the originals.

12. Deadline
Experience has shown that a general deadline for submission of manuscripts is not practical. However, it is recommended that manuscripts are sent in January or February since there is then a good chance for them to be published in the forthcoming issue.

13. Correspondence

Manuscripts should be sent to the editor: manfred.jaech@nhm-wien.ac.at

LAST UPDATE: May 25, 2022

Description of new species of Hydraenida GERMAIN, 1901
(Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)
Two new species of Hydraenida GERMAIN (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) are described from Chile: H. franzi and H. sanctijacobi.
Key words: Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Hydraenida, taxonomy, new species, Chile.
The genus Hydraenida was described by GERMAIN (1901). Two species ...
Hydraenida franzi sp.n.
Hydraenida sp., FRANZ 1978: 25.
TYPE LOCALITY: Embalse de Jeso, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype G (NMW): “Anden b. [Andes near] Santiago Chile,lg.Franz ǀ Embalse de Jeso, Anden [upper side of label] Sa 200 [under side of label]”.
C H I L E: CHILOE: La Zorra, 5 km N Latigo, 200 m a.s.l., springs, 10°12''W 58°34''S, 5.IX.1997, leg. J.A. Díaz, 5 GG, 2 EE (NMW); AISEN: ...
DIAGNOSIS: 2.15 mm long, 0.95 mm wide. Dark brown ...
Key to the species of Hydraenida
1[tab] Aedeagus long and slender[tab] 2
I am grateful to ...
GERMAIN, P. 1901: Apuntes entomolojicos. Tres especies de Heloforidos Chilenos. – Anales de …
Dr. Manfred A. JÄCH
Naturhistorisches Museum, Burgring 7, A – 1010 Wien, Austria (manfred.jaech@nhm-wien.ac.at)
Figs. 1–2: Aedeagus, lateral view, 1) Hydraenida franzi sp.n., 2) H. sanctijacobi sp.n.


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We will get back to you as soon as the files you submit will have been screened for completeness, usually within 24 hours after submission.