Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol 93


  • K. SASAKAWA: Identities of two macrocephalic Pterostichus BONELLI, 1810 species from continental Far East as revealed by the examination of type material (Coleoptera: Carabidae), p.1-11
    Pterostichus syleus KIRSCHENHOFER, 1997 and P. ompoensis JEDLIČKA, 1932 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from continental Far East were studied including type specimens. For P. syleus, specimens treated as this species by previous authors without type examination are confirmed to be true P. syleus, and supplemental morphological descriptions of the external and male genitalia (including the sufficiently inflated endophallus) are provided. For P. ompoensis, detailed external and male genital characters (including the sufficiently inflated endophallus) are described for the first time, based on the lectotype, which is designated herein. The observed characters imply that P. ompoensis is related to the P. macrogenys species group of the subgenus Nialoe TANAKA, 1958 sensu lato.
  • G. WEWALKA, M.A. SCHMAEDICK, M. TOLEDO, A. KOMAREK, M. BALKE & M.A. JÄCH: A faunistic account of aquatic Coleoptera from the Samoan Archipelago (Pacific Ocean) (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Hydrophilidae excl. Sphaeridiinae), p.13-36
    A faunistic overview of some families of aquatic beetles from the Samoan Archipelago (Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Hydrophilidae excl. Sphaeridiinae) is provided, based on a literature survey and on recent field work (2001–2018), as well as on material of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA), collected in the 1950s and 1960s.
    Doubtful records based on historical specimens are discussed. The occurrence of 16 species of water beetles (Gyrinidae: 1, Dytiscidae: 8, Noteridae: 2, Hydrophilidae excl. Sphaeridiinae: 5) in the Samoan Archipelago is here confirmed, but one fourth of these species (25%) could not or just tentatively be identified, because of insufficient sampling, lack of modern taxonomic revisions, and/or lack of molecular data.
    The family Gyrinidae (Dineutus australis (FABRICIUS, 1775)) as well as the following taxa are reco ded from the Samoan Archipelago for the first time: Hydrovatus fasciatus SHARP, 1882, Laccophilus seminiger FAUVEL, 1883 (Dytiscidae), Neohydrocoptus subfasciatus (SHARP, 1882) (Noteridae), Crephelochares KUWERT, 1890, and Enochrus ? nigropiceus (MOTSCHULSKY, 1861) (Hydrophilidae).
    Copelatus marginatus SHARP, 1882, Cybister tripunctatus temnenkii AUBÉ, 1838, Hydaticus consanguineus AUBÉ, 1838, Limbodessus curviplicatus (ZIMMERMANN, 1927), Rhantus hiekei BALKE, 1993 (Dytiscidae), Notomicrus cf. tenellus CLARK, 1863 (Noteridae), Enochrus esuriens (WALKER, 1858) and Helochares simulator KNISCH, 1922 (Hydrophilidae), which were already known from the Independent State of Samoa, are here recorded from American Samoa for the first time.
    Habitus photographs of 12 species are provided, as well as habitat photographs and habitat data as far as they were available.
  • M.E. TOLEDO & M.A. JÄCH: Limnebius asperatus KNISCH, 1922 – rediscovered almost a century after its original description (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.37-45
    Limnebius asperatus KNISCH, 1922 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), originally described from “Italia” (without any precise locality information) and not found again since then, was surprisingly rediscovered by the first author in the northeastern Apennines (Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany) in 2020 and 2023. Twenty-four of the 25 specimens collected, were found in two small seepages close to a waterfall in the Province of Arezzo (Tuscany). Photographs of the male and female habitus, the aedeagus, the female pygidial sclerites as well as photographs of the habitats, and a distribution map are provided.
  • M. KAHLEN & M.A. JÄCH: Zur Verbreitung von Hydraena kahleni JÄCH & DÍAZ, 2017 samt kritischer Beurteilung von Literaturangaben verwandter Hydraena-Arten (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.47-52
    The distribution of Hydraena kahleni JÄCH & DÍAZ, 2017 is summarized. It is currently regarded as endemic to a very small area in Treviso Province (Veneto Region, northern Italy). In addition, literature records, in particular of Hydraena larissae JÄCH & DÍAZ, 2000 and H. tarvisina (FERRO, 1992) in TRIZZINO et al. (2013), are critically evaluated. Specimens of H. kahleni examined by TRIZZINO et al. (2013) were not recognized as an undescribed species by these authors; they were instead mostly treated as H. larissae, and partly also as H. tarvisina. The comprehensive recent collecting activities of the first author suggest that H. gracilis GERMAR, 1824 does not occur in the regions of Südtirol-Trentino and Veneto.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: Studies on the Eucibdelus lineage, part 4. Revision of Eucibdelus KRAATZ, 1859 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.53-180
    The genus Eucibdelus KRAATZ, 1859 of the subtribe Staphylinina (Coleoptera: Staphylininae) is revised. Sixty species are treated, 37 of which are new to science: E. ater (China), E. chungi SCHILLHAMMER & HU (Taiwan), E. circumcinctus (China), E. dalatensis (Vietnam), E. daliangshanus (China), E. depressicornis (Vietnam), E. emawensis (Myanmar), E. emeishanus (China), E. fangshuohui (Vietnam), E. furcatus (China), E. gaoligong (China), E. graciloides (India), E. griseus (China), E. hamulus (China, Myanmar), E. heishuiensis (China), E. hoabinhensis (Vietnam), E. hoi SCHILLHAMMER & HU (Taiwan), E. holzschuhi (Bhutan), E. horaki (Thailand), E. hunanensis (China), E. kalabi (China), E. kambaitiensis (Myanmar), E. latestylus (China), E. longiceps (China), E. luridipennis (Laos), E. major (China), E. micangshanus (China), E. oviceps (China), E. pseudofeae (Myanmar), E. pseudofreyi (China), E. ruficauda SCHILLHAMMER & HU (Taiwan), E. rufobasalis (Laos), E. stenocephalus (China), E. tamdaoensis (Vietnam), E. terminicornis (China), E. tibetanus(China), E. zimmermannae (Myanmar). Nine new synonymies are proposed: Eucibdelus gracilis KRAATZ, 1859 (= E. stevensi CAMERON, 1932 syn.n., E. hoebarthi BERNHAUER, 1933 syn.n., E. bhutanicus COIFFAIT, 1977 syn.n., E. milkensis COIFFAIT, 1984 syn.n.); E. varius FAUVEL, 1895 (= E. maderi BERNHAUER, 1939 syn.n., E. orientalis HAYASHI, 1997 syn.n., E. orientalis ssp. yoshitomii HAYASHI, 2021 syn.n.); E. angusticeps BERNHAUER, 1920 (= E. elegans COIFFAIT, 1977 syn.n.); E. montanus COIFFAIT, 1977 (= E. tibialis COIFFAIT, 1977 syn.n.).
  • Y. SENDA & C. HAN: Apecholinus septentrionalis sp.n. from North Korea (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.181-185
    A new staphylinid species, Apecholinus septentrionalis sp.n. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylin- inae), is described from Mt. Paektusan, DPR Korea (= North Korea). Illustrations of the taxonomically important characters and photographs of the habitus, as well as a key to the species of Ape- cholinus BERNHAUER, 1933 is provided.
  • Y. SENDA: First record of Pseudolathra transversicollis ASSING, 2012 from the Malay Peninsula (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), p.187-188
    Pseudolathra transversicollis ASSING, 2012 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) is reported from the Malay Peninsula (Selangor State of Malaysia) for the first time.
  • Y. SENDA: Lathrobium neostygium, a new troglobiontic rove beetle from central Honshu, Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), p.189-197
    A new troglobiontic species, Lathrobium neostygium sp.n. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), is described from Gifu Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan. Photographs of the male and female habitus, of the aedeagus and of the type locality are provided. This finding represents the easternmost record of a Japanese troglobiontic species of Lathrobium GRAVENHORST, 1802. The L. nomurai species group is redefined, and a checklist of the species of this group is provided.
  • R.B. ANGUS: Helophorus sinovillosus sp.n., an unexpected discovery in Qinghai Province, China (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.199-203
    Helophorus sinovillosus sp.n. is described from three specimens taken in a saltmarsh of the Qaidam Basin (Qinghai Province, China). The new species appears to be most closely related to H. villosus DUFTSCHMID, 1805.
  • A.G. SHATROVSKIY & R.B. ANGUS: Helophorus bivari sp.n. from the Azores (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.205-209
    Helophorus bivari sp.n. (Coleoptera: Helophoridae) from the Azores is described, illustrated, and compared with the most similar species of the subgenus Rhopalohelophorus KUWERT, 1886: H. asturiensis KUWERT, 1885 and H. rinki ANGUS, 1985.
  • S. SKALICKÝ: Faunistic records of Heteroceridae from the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.211-214
    Heterocerus danielssoni SKALICKÝ, 2006, H. steineri SKALICKÝ, 2006 and Tropicus alcicornis MASCAGNI, 1989 are confirmed for the first time for the fauna of Brazil (Mato Grosso). Tropicus borysi SKALICKÝ, 2006 and T. tuberculatus PACHECO, 1964 are confirmed for the first time for the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Additional distributional records for two other species from Mato Grosso are provided.
  • I.S. PLONSKI: Axinotarsus anatolicus EVERS, 1961 synonymized with A. marginalis (CASTELNAU, 1840), and a new record from Turkey (Coleoptera: Melyridae: Malachiinae), p.115-117
    Axinotarsus anatolicus EVERS, 1961 (Coleoptera: Melyridae: Malachiinae) is synonymized with A. marginalis (CASTELNAU, 1840), and a new record from northern Turkey is reported. Axinotarsus marginalis seems to be rare in Turkey, where it is currently known only from the Marmara and Black Sea regions. Some notes on the biology and the general distribution of this species are provided.
  • A. SKALE: Bemerkungen zur Gattung Schwarzerium MATSUSHITA, 1933, Teil 2 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Callichromatini), p.119-224
    Schwarzerium curua sp.n. (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Callichromatini) is described from Viet- nam and Thailand. In addition, the female habitus and the ovipositor of Schwarzerium andrea SKALE, 2021, S. hagiangense SKALE, 2021 and S. merkli SKALE, 2021 are depicted for the first time; new locality data are provided for the two latter species.
  • H. SCHMID & A. SANTOS-SILVA: Taxonomic and faunistic notes on Colobotheini, including a new Brazilian state record (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae), p.225-236
    Notes on the differences between Colobothea LEPELETIER & AUDINET-SERVILLE, 1825, Priscilla THOMSON, 1864, and Sangaris DALMAN, 1823 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) are provided. Priscilla brasiliensis FUCHS, 1961 is reinstated as a valid species and transferred to Sangaris; this species is recorded from the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina for the first time. Colobothea biguttata BATES, 1865 is transferred to Sangaris. Sangaris petrovi SCHMID, 2010 is synonymized with Colobothea flavomaculata BATES, 1865, which is transferred to Sangaris.
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Sharpia stanovskyi sp.n. from southern Oman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Smicronychini), p.237-243
    A new species of Sharpia TOURNIER, 1873 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Smicrony- chini), S. stanovskyi is described from southern Oman (Dhofar Province) and compared with S. sabu- licola COLONNELLI, 2009, and other similar species.
  • G. WEWALKA, M.A. JÄCH & M. MANUEL: An update on the diving beetles and burrowing water beetles of New Caledonia, with description of ten new species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Noteridae), p.245-320
    The knowledge of the diving beetles and burrowing water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Noteridae) of New Caledonia is updated, based mainly on the material collected during the hydrobiological survey of the “La Planète Revisitée” (Our Planet Reviewed) program (2016–2018). Ten new species of Dytiscidae are described: Exocelina boucheti MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., E. bouo MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., E. charpini MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., E. lukasi WEWALKA, MANUEL & JÄCH sp.n., E. nevu MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., E. ruficeps MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., E. sophiae WEWALKA, MANUEL & JÄCH sp.n., Limbodessus novaecaledoniae MANUEL & WEWALKA sp.n., Necterosoma maryae MANUEL, WEWALKA & BALKE sp.n., and N. poellabauerae MANUEL, WEWALKA & BALKE sp.n. A single female of an unknown Hydaticus sp., collected near Nouméa in 1957, is diagnosed and discussed but not formally described. Hydaticus clairvillei MONTROUZIER, 1860 and Hydrovatus austrocaledonicus (PERROUD & MONTROUZIER, 1864) are reinstated as valid species. Hydrovatus politus SHARP, 1882 is synonymized with H. austrocaledonicus (PERROUD & MONTROUZIER, 1864).
    Three species, Copelatus portior GUIGNOT, 1956, Eretes australis (ERICHSON, 1842) and Hydro- glyphus signatus (SHARP, 1882), are recorded from New Caledonia for the first time. Copelatus mar- ginatus (SHARP, 1882), Exocelina jeannae WEWALKA et al., 2010, and E. remyi WEWALKA et al., 2010 are recorded from the North Province for the first time; Exocelina inexspectata WEWALKA et al., 2010 is newly recorded from the South Province of New Caledonia. Laccophilus seminiger FAUVEL, 1883, previously regarded as likely extinct in New Caledonia, was rediscovered after 59 years and found to be locally common, especially along the coast of eastern Grande Terre; in addition, this species is here recorded from the Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands for the first time. The record of Hydroglyphus daemeli (SHARP, 1882) for New Caledonia is questioned.
  • M.A. JÄCH & S. SKALICKÝ: New records of Heteroceridae from New Caledonia (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.321-326
    Two species of Heterocerus FABRICIUS, 1792 (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) are recorded from New Caledonia for the first time: H. debilipes BLACKBURN, 1903 and the very similar H. mastersii MACLEAY, 1871. A key to the three New Caledonian species of Heteroceridae and additional records for H. flindersi BLACKBURN, 1888 are provided. The distribution of these three species in New Cale- donia is shown on a map. The possible synonymy of H. debilipes and H. mastersii is discussed.