Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 92


  • G. WEWALKA: Review of the Hydaticus fabricii group and the newly established H. grammicus group (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), p.1-72
    The species of the Hydaticus (Prodaticus) fabricii group (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) are reviewed on the basis of the aedeagal median lobes and the elytral colour patterns; eighteen species (including two new species: H. geiseri sp.n. and H. mazzoldii sp.n.) and one subspecies of the H. fabricii group are treated. The H. grammicus species group is newly established. It is distinguished from the H. fabricii group by the male genitalia. Besides H. grammicus (GERMAR, 1827), this group includes H. thermonectoides SHARP, 1884 and two new species (H. schoenleithneri sp.n., H. shaverdoae sp.n.). Hydaticus parallelus CLARK, 1864, H. chrisi NILSSON, 2001 and another undescribed species, H. borneensissp.n., are also included in this review, because their elytral colour patterns are similar to those of some species of the H. fabricii and H. grammicus groups, but their male genitalia are distinctly different.
    A lectotype is designated for Dytiscus varius FABRICIUS, 1801 (= Hydaticus fabricii (MACLEAY, 1825)). Hydaticus fabricii loeffleri WEWALKA, 1979 and H. fabricii confusus BOHEMAN, 1858 are elevated to species rank, and H. tibetanus SHAVERDO et al., 2012 is synonymized with H. vaziranii WEWALKA, 1979.
    Checklists and keys to the species treated herein, as well as distribution maps and numerous new faunistic records are provided. Significant diagnostic characters are illustrated.
  • B.J. VAN VONDEL: World Catalogue of Haliplidae – corrections and additions, 3 (Coleoptera: Haliplidae), p.73-84
    A third update on the World Catalogue of Haliplidae (Coleoptera) (VONDEL 2005) is provided. All new taxa, new synonymies and new distribution data published since the last update (VONDEL 2013) as well as various previous omissions are listed. The family Haliplidae currently includes four genera and 233 species.
  • S. CHATZIMANOLIS: Asimos, a new genus of Xanthopygina from Central and South America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.85-95
    A new genus of Xanthopygina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) is described here as Asimos gen.n. The new genus includes two species: A. barclayi sp.n. from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, and Bolivia, and A. brasiliensis (SAHLBERG, 1847) comb.n. from Brazil. Gastrisus nitidus BERNHAUER, 1906 is recognized as a junior synonym of the latter. Lectotypes are designated for Staphylinus brasiliensis and Gastrisus nitidus. Photographs and illustrations are provided for the identification of species.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: Two new species of the Algon kaiserianus species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.97-101
    Two new species of the genus Algon SHARP, 1874 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) belonging to the A. kaiserianus species group are described from Yunnan (China): A. meridioyunnanus and A. wangjiashanus. Photographs of relevant body parts and line drawings of the aedeagi are given.
  • M. BROJER: Buchbesprechung: SPITZENBERG, D., SCHÖNE, A., KLAUSNITZER, B. & MALCHAU, W. (2021): Die wasserbewohnenden Käfer Sachsen-Anhalts. – Rangsdorf: Landesamt für Umweltschutz Sachsen- Anhalt, 772 pp., p.102-102
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER & D. KOVAC: Review of the Oriental genus Hesperomimus CAMERON, 1937 with descriptions of two new bamboo-inhabiting species feeding on mosquito larvae and reflections on the invasion of the aquatic habitat by rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.103-133
    The genus Hesperomimus CAMERON, 1937 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) and its type species, H. abdominalis CAMERON, 1937, are redescribed. Two new species, H. bambusae sp.n. from West Malaysia and H. ruficollis sp.n. from northern Thailand, and their immature stages are described and illustrated (H. bambusae: first and third instar, male pupa; H. ruficollis: third instar exuvia, female pupa). Both new species are specialized inhabitants of water-filled internode cavities of immature bamboo culms of Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, and Cephalostachyum. The specimens were found in internodes up to eight meters high, which they had entered through small holes bored by larvae of Lasiochila spp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Both Hesperomimus species feed on mosquito larvae. Hesperomimus ruficollis captures its prey from the water’s edge, while H. bambusae adults and their larvae also hunt in the water. The biology of Hesperomimus and their adaptations to their habitat are outlined and compared with other bamboo-inhabiting Staphylinini hunting mosquito larvae (Hesperus FAUVEL, 1895, Platydracus THOMSON, 1858, Acylophorus NORDMANN, 1837). We assume that the rich source of mosquito larvae as food was the selective force leading to the colonization of bamboo internodes by Staphylininae. The low predatory pressure occurring in bamboo internodes enabled them to penetrate into the water and develop adaptations to the aquatic lifestyle.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: Book Review: ASSING, V. 2022: Monograph of Palaearctic, Oriental, and New Guinean Pinophilina (Co- leoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae)., p.134-134
  • N. MOINUDHEEN, S. AROCKIANATHAN, A. VEERAMANI & H. SCHILLHAMMER: Rediscovery of Menoedius andrewesi FAUVEL, 1903 in India, more than a century after its description (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.135-137
    Menoedius andrewesi FAUVEL, 1903 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) is reported for the first time since its description. Characters for recognition are mentioned, and a photograph of the beetle in nature, taken at Lovedale (Nilgiri Mountains, Tamil Nadu, India), is provided.
  • A.G. SHATROVSKIY, R.B. ANGUS & M.A. JÄCH: Notes on the Helophorus guttulus group (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.139-151
    A review of the Helophorus guttulus group (Coleoptera: Helophoridae) is presented. Helophorus costulatus KUWERT, 1887 is synonymized with H. guttulus MOTSCHULSKY, 1860. A lectotype is designated for H. nivalis GIRAUD, 1852. Determination of the exact type localities of H. costulatus, H. dormitans (SHARP, 1916) and H. guttulus is discussed. Data on the distributions and a determination key for all five species of the group are presented.
  • M.A. JÄCH & H. SHAVERDO: Buchbesprechung: AICHINGER, F. 2018: Die großen Schwimmkäfer unserer Erde. Praxis-Ratgeber und Katalog über alle bisher beschriebenen großen Schwimmkäfer (Dytiscidae). – Laxenburg: Franz Aichinger, 167 pp. Hardcover., p.152-152
  • Y. KAMITE: A new synonymy in Japanese Heterlimnius HINTON, 1935 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), p.153-164
    Heterlimnius rugulosus (NOMURA, 1958) (Coleoptera: Elmidae) is synonymized with H. nitidus (NOMURA, 1958). This species is redescribed, and a morphological diagnosis of the larva is provided. Numerous locality data and a distribution map, based on material examined by the author, are provided.
  • S. SKALICKÝ: Heterocerus keimoesensis sp.n. from the Republic of South Africa (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.165-171
    Heterocerus keimoesensis sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) from the Republic of South Africa is described and illustrated. The presence of H. elongatus GROUVELLE, 1896, H. incertus GROUVELLE, 1896, H. ornatus GROUVELLE, 1906, H. peringueyi GROUVELLE, 1919 and H. thebaicus australis CHARPENTIER, 1965 in the Republic of South Africa is confirmed.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Mitteluung: Peter CATE (1948–2022), p.172
  • A. SKALE & H.T. PHAM: Zwei weitere neue Polyzonus-Arten aus Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Callichromatini), p.173-179
    Two additional new Polyzonus species from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Callichromatini). – Polyzonus fetschi sp.n. and P. hongphuci sp.n. are described, illustrated and compared with related species.
  • J. RHEINHEIMER: Die Gattungen und Arten der Unterfamilie Cossoninae aus Französisch-Guayana (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), p.181-193
    The genera and species of the subfamily Cossininae of French Guyana (Curculionidae). – A new species of Cossonus CLAIRVILLE & SCHELLENBERG, 1798 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cossoninae) is described from French Guyana: C. curtirostris sp.n. The following nine species of the subfamily Cossoninae are recorded from French Guyana for the first time: Catolethrus fallax BOHEMAN, 1845, C. nasalis BOHEMAN, 1845, C. rufus BOHEMAN, 1838, Caulophilus oryzae (GYLLENHAL, 1838), Cossonus cavirostris CHAMPION, 1909, C. thoracicus BOHEMAN, 1838, Eurycorynes fossus (KUSCHEL, 1959), Micromimus pumilio WOLLASTON, 1873, and Stenomimus sublaevipennis HUSTACHE, 1932. Habitus photographs and keys for the identification of all species of Cossoninae from French Guyana are provided.
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Nanophryodotus gen.n. from South Africa, with three new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Hipporhinini), p.195-208
    Nanophryodotus gen.n. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cyclominae: Hipporhinini), and three new species from South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape), N. cerula sp.n., N. angusticollis sp.n., and N. romani sp.n., are described. The new genus is closely related to Ophryodotus PASCOE, 1887. A key to the species of Nanophryodotus is provided.
  • M. SCHÜLKE: In memoriam Volker Assing (1956–2022) – ein Leben für die Staphyliniden; In memoriam Volker Assing (1956–2022) – a life for staphylinids, p.209-252
  • K. HAMPEL: Mitteilung: Die Käfersammlung Hampel wird zum Verkauf angeboten, p.253-254
    Die Sammlung Hampel umfasst ca. 38.700 Exemplare; Schwerpunkt: paläarktische Cerambycidae und Buprestidae.