Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 91


  • B.J. van VODEL: Annotated checklist and distribution of the Australasian Haliplidae (Coleoptera), p.1-19
    The Haliplidae (Coleoptera) of the Australasian Region are listed, and new distribution data are presented. All known localities are mapped. Phalilus bistriatus (WEHNCKE, 1880) is recorded from New South Wales for the first time.
  • V. ASSING: On the taxonomy, diversity, and ecology of the Amischa THOMSON, 1858 species of the Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), p.21-83
    Based on a revision of type material and additional material, the genus Amischa THOMSON, 1858 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) is represented in the Palaearctic Region by 16 species, i.e., little more than half the species number previously recorded from this region (30 species). Unlike many other genera of Athetini, the genus is characterised by several pronounced synapomorphies. The species are assigned to two species groups, the monotypical A. puetzi and the A. analis groups (15 species); three distinct lineages are identified within the A. analis group. Diagnoses and illustrations are provided for all the species recorded from the Palaearctic Region. Four species are described for the first time: Amischa iberica sp.n. (South Spain); A. inexcisa sp.n. (Hungary, Russia (Krasnodar), Georgia, Turkey); A. discolor sp.n. (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan); A. truncata sp.n. (South Turkey). Nine new syn- onymies are proposed: Amischa bifoveolata (MANNERHEIM, 1830) = A. filum (MULSANT & REY, 1870) syn.n. = A. minima MULSANT & REY, 1873 syn.n. = A. uhligi PACE, 1987 syn.n.; A. decipiens (SHARP, 1869) = A. simplex BENICK, 1982 syn.n.; A. kashmirica CAMERON, 1939 = A. sporadica BENICK, 1967 syn.n.; A. nigrofusca (STEPHENS, 1832) = A. jugorum SCHEERPELTZ, 1956 syn.n.; A. puetzi ASSING, 2005 = A. sichuanensis PACE, 2011 syn.n.; A. setifera BENICK, 1982 = A. andreasi MUONA, 1990 syn.n. = A. rougemonti PACE, 1998 syn.n. Specimens previously reported as A. filum refer to four species, two of them newly described: A. bifoveolata, A. kashmirica, A. inexcisa, A. truncata. Eight species described in or previously placed in Amischa are transferred to Atheta THOMSON, 1858: Atheta (Microdota) pioncolyata (PACE, 1991) comb.n.; Atheta (M.) nana (PACE, 1998) comb.n.; Atheta (Microdota?) phallosetigera (PACE, 1986) comb.rev.; Atheta coprophila (PACE, 1991) comb.n.; Atheta dhaulagiriensis (PACE, 2015), a secondary junior homonym replaced with Atheta dhaulagirica nom.n.; Atheta fraudulenta PACE, 2006 comb.n.; Atheta (Mocyta) sahlbergi (EPPELSHEIM, 1893) comb.rev.; Atheta niponensis (SHARP, 1888) comb.rev. Lectotypes are designated for Amischa strupii SCHEERPELTZ, 1967, Homalota filum MULSANT & REY, 1870, and H. leporina FAUVEL, 1881. Based on extensive field studies using pitfall traps, soil extractions, and photo-eclectors, and conducted in Niedersachsen (North Germany) from 1981 to 2001, the sex ratios, life histories, seasonal density and epigeic activity dynamics, and parasitism of four species are assessed and discussed. Amischa analis (GRAVENHORST, 1802) is particularly remarkable in that this species is parthenogenetic and macropterous across most of its range, while scattered bisexual and brachypterous populations are confined to high-altitude habitats in the South Alps and mountain ranges in the northern Iberian Peninsula. Amischa nigrofusca (STEPHENS, 1832) and A. decipiens (SHARP, 1869) are regionally parthenogenetic, with males significantly rarer also in bisexual populations. A catalogue of the Amischa species represented in the Palaearctic Region is provided. Numerous new country records are reported. The distributions of four species are mapped.
  • Gy. MAKRANCZY: New species in the Thinodromus ferrugineus species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), p.85-101
    Six new species of the Thinodromus ferrugineus species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxy- telinae) are described: T. carltoni (Belize: Orange Walk District), T. dryophilus (USA: Indiana), T. fractus (Brazil: Amazonas), T. minusculus (Paraguay: Paraguarí), T. rubiginosus (USA: Arkansas) and T. vernicatus (French Guiana: Cayenne); with the description of T. dryophilus, the distribution of the T. ferrugineus species group is extended northwards to Indiana and Virginia; T. carltoni is cur- rently the smallest known species of the genus Thinodromus KRAATZ, 1857. The habitus and certain additional morphological details of the new species are illustrated by colour photographs, the termi- nalia and genitalia by line drawings.
  • Gy. MAKRANCZY: Thinodromus diffusus (CASEY, 1889) and T. lapsus (CASEY, 1889): partially sympatric sibling species? (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), p.103-112
    The status of Thinodromus diffusus (CASEY, 1889) and its sibling species, T. lapsus (CASEY, 1889) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), are reviewed. New distribution records are added. The species are illustrated by colour photographs and scanning electron micrographs, the terminalia and geni- talia by line drawings.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: Additional faunistic data and new species of Algon SHARP, 1874 and Barypalpus CAMERON, 1932 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.113-120
    Additional faunistic data of the genera Algon SHARP, 1874 and Barypalpus CAMERON, 1932 (Coleo- ptera: Staphylinidae) are presented and two new species are described: Algon caeruleosplendens (China: Yunnan) and Barypalpus brunkei (Vietnam).
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: A new species of Shaverdolena SCHILLHAMMER, 2005 from Vietnam (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.121-124
    A new species of Shaverdolena SCHILLHAMMER, 2005 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Vietnam is described and illustrated.
  • A. KOMAREK: A new species of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), p.125-130
    A new species, Anacaena schoenleithneri sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) is described from Madagascar. Habitus, aedeagus, and other morphological details are illustrated. A key to the species of Anacaena from Madagascar is presented.
  • Additions to the fauna of Tetraserica AHRENS, 2004 of China and India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini)D. AHRENS, p.131-135
    Three new species of Tetraserica AHRENS, 2004 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini) from Asia are described: Tetraserica pellingana sp.n. (from India) as well as T. hongheensis sp.n. and T. qifengshanensis sp.n. (from China). The male genitalia of the new species are illustrated, and modifications to the existing diagnostic keys are given.
  • C. HERNANDO & I. RIBERA †: Description of a remarkable new Phalacrichus SHARP, 1902 from Paraguay (Coleoptera: Limnichidae: Limnichinae), p.137-143
    A new species of the genus Phalacrichus SHARP, 1902 (Coleoptera: Limnichidae: Limnichinae) is described from Paraguay: P. monday sp.n. The new species is characterized by the unique denticulate lateral pronotal margins. The habitus and diagnostically important morphological details are depicted by color photographs and SEM micrographs.
  • S. SKALICKÝ: New species and new records of Heteroceridae from Argentina (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.145-151
    A new species of Heteroceridae, Heterocerus kocouri sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), is described from Argentina. Tropicus alcicornis MASCAGNI, 1989, T. bartolozzii MASCAGNI, 1994, T. sanisidroensis SKALICKÝ, 2002 and T. tuberculatus PACHECO, 1964 are reported from Argentina for the first time. In addition, new Argentinian province records are provided for Heterocerus ciliaticollis STEINHEIL, 1869, Tropicus squamosus PACHECO, 1964 and T. tucumanensis PACHECO, 1964. A checklist of the Heteroceridae known from Argentina is provided.
  • I.S. PLONSKI: First record of Malachius extensicornis TSHERNYSHEV, 1999 from Iran (Coleoptera: Melyridae: Malachiinae), p.153-154
    Malachius extensicornis TSHERNYSHEV, 1999 (Coleoptera: Melyridae: Malachiinae) is reported for the first time from Iran (North Khorasan Province) based on historical museum specimens.
  • E. GEISER & M.A. JÄCH: Explanatory notes on the updates concerning the genus Donacia FABRICIUS, 1775 in the second edition of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 6/2 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), p.155-178
    The forthcoming second edition of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (Vol. 6/2: Chrysomelidae, in prep.) will contain a lot of corrections and additions to the first edition (Vol. 6: Chrysomeloidea), published in 2010. The present article deals solely with the genus Donacia FABRICIUS, 1775 and provides explanations for some of the corrections and additions, especially those which require more detailed treatment, and therefore cannot be printed in the second edition of the catalogue itself.
    The second edition of the catalogue will include 68 Palaearctic species/subspecies of Donacia, three fewer than in the first edition, because five taxa are now regarded as synonyms (two of which are newly established herein: Donacia meridionalis WEISE, 1886 syn.n. = D. bicolora ZSCHACH, 1788, and D. issykensis JACOBSON, 1901 syn.n. = D. vulgaris ZSCHACH, 1788), because one synonym has been resurrected, and because one species has been newly described.
    Donacia melanocephala (MARSHAM, 1802), which has hitherto been regarded as a synonym of D. dentata HOPPE, 1795, is newly synonymized with D. semicuprea PANZER, 1795, based on the examination of type specimens.
    Numerous additional faunistic records, verified records and 20 first records for countries (or subordinate units) are provided herein, based on recent literature records and on numerous museum specimens examined by the first author. On the other hand, several records for countries (or subordinate units) have to be deleted in the second edition, because the records were either based on misidentifications, or because they could not be verified despite considerable efforts.
    Incorrect subsequent spellings of taxa names and the controversial spellings of various author names in the first edition are corrected and discussed.
    The apparent problem concerning the priority of Donacia marginata HOPPE, 1795 and D. limbata PANZER, 1795 is explained.
    The references of several original descriptions are corrected in the second edition, and these correc- tions are explained herein.
    Nomina nuda are also treated herein, and their identities are explained.
  • A. SKALE: Bemerkungen zur Gattung Chelidonium THOMSON, 1864, Teil 3 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Callichromatini), p.179-189
    A new species of the genus Chelidonium THOMSON, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Callichromatini) is described: C. boessnecki sp.n. from Vietnam, Thailand, W-Malaysia and India. Morphological notes and distribution data for three additional species, C. cinctum (GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1844), C. semivenereum HAYASHI, 1984, and C. venereum THOMSON, 1865 (revalidated from synonymy with C. cinctum), are provided.
  • J. RHEINHEIMER: Die Gattung Macrocopturus HELLER, 1895 in Französisch-Guayana: Faunistische Erstnachweise und Beschreibung neuer Arten (Curculionidae: Conoderinae), p.191-210
    Seven new species of Macrocopturus HELLER, 1895 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are described from French Guyana: M. t-littera sp.n., M. marginicollis sp.n., M. pseudosannio sp.n., M. degallieri sp.n., M. brunnirostris sp.n., M. flavopictus sp.n., and M. flavobifasciatus sp.n. Three species are recorded from French Guyana for the first time: Macrocopturus amazonicus (HELLER, 1895), M. mutabilis (HUSTACHE, 1932), and M. ornatus (HUSTACHE, 1937). Habitus photographs of all these 10 species and M. sannio (GYLLENHAL, 1838), as well as photographs of the aedeagi of four species, are provided.
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Boroveciella gen.n. from South Africa, with three new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Hipporhinini), p.211-226
    A new genus, Boroveciella gen.n. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and three new species, B. purpurascens sp.n., B. viridescens sp.n., and B. jaechi sp.n. from South Africa (Northern Cape and Western Cape), are described. A key to the species of Boroveciella and a map showing their distribution are provided. The new genus is closely related to Ophryodotus PASCOE, 1887.
  • R. BOROVEC & E. COLONNELLI: On the species of Chiloneus SCHOENHERR, 1842 from Greece and Cyprus, with description of two new species, and taxonomic notes on related genera (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), p.227-238
    Chiloneus cycladum sp.n. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Iraklia, Naxos and Paros islands (Cyclades, Greece) and C. winkelmanni sp.n. from Rhodos (Greece) are described and illustrated. Both differ from the other Greek species in the small tooth of the femora and in the aedeagus being elongate-subtriangular with straight sides at the apex. Chiloneus winkelmanni is rather easily recognisable by its elytra being bifurcate at the apex. Chiloneus scythropoides REITTER, 1915 from Cyprus is synonymised with C. brevithorax DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1874. The name Chiloneus ionicus KRAATZ, 1859 is regarded as the correct original spelling, while C. “jonicus”, used even in some recent catalogues, is an incorrect subsequent spelling. All species of Chiloneus SCHOENHERR, 1842 from Greece and Cyprus are treated, and a key to the Greek species is provided. Sciaphilus corpulentus KIESENWETTER, 1864 is transferred to Sciaphobus DANIEL, 1904.
  • E. HOLZER, S. AURENHAMMER, T. FRIEß, P. ZIMMERMANN & W.E. HOLZINGER: Xylobionte Käfer als Biodiversitäts-Indikatoren der Wälder im Nationalpark Gesäuse (Steiermark, Österreich) (Coleoptera), p.239-278
    The diversity of the saproxylic (= xylobiontic; dependent on decaying wood) beetle of the forests of the Gesäuse National Park was surveyed in 2016. The main goals of the study were the documentation of the species biodiversity and the identification of areas of high value for nature conservation issues. Based on the forest habitat mapping, 30 representative sites were chosen and studied. Species were sampled in June and July by two crossbar window traps per site. In addition, some specimens were collected also by hand. The software MaxEnt was used to get a habitat model for the occurrence of saproxylic beetles in the national park; input parameters were forest habitat type, altitude, moisture- and heat-load-index and the presence of four selected saproxylic species.
    Altogether, we recorded 230 beetle species from 52 families; 157 of these species are saproxylic. Concerning saproxylic guilds, 66 species are dwelling in old and 55 in fresh deadwood, 30 on fungi on deadwood, two in rot holes, and three species utilise decaying wood in other ways.
    Symbiotes armatus REITTER, 1881 (Endomychidae) is recorded for Styria for the first time. Other remarkable records refer to Cacotemnus thomsoni (KRAATZ, 1881) (Anobiidae), Lacon lepidopterus (PANZER, 1801) (Elateridae), Microrhagus lepidus ROSENHAUER, 1847 (Eucnemidae), Wanachia triguttata (GYLLENHAL, 1810) and Zilora obscura (FABRICIUS, 1794) (Melandryidae), Ostoma ferruginea (L., 1758) and Peltis grossa (L., 1758) (Trogossitidae). So far, eight primeval forest relict species (sensu ECKELT et al. 2018) are documented for the Gesäuse National Park.
    The number of saproxylic species differs strongly between sites. On average, 18–28 species were documented per site, with a maximum of 39 species at the “Scheichkogel”. Sites with high species numbers are either slopes exposed south, dominated by deciduous wood and situated north of the river Enns, or forests in higher altitudes in the eastern part of the National Park. Speciesrich forests are dominantly composed of spruce, fir and beech whereas scots pine forests with Erica carnea and subalpine spruce forests turned out to host lesser numbers of saproxylic beetle species. The conservation value rises with the total amount of lying and standing deadwood. The number of saproxylic beetles was particularly high at sites with a minimum of 70 m3 deadwood per hectare. The habitat model shows that the most valuable forest habitats are located in warmer submontane and montane sites, mainly southern hillside forests north of the river Enns.
  • A. DOSTAL, W. BARRIES, M. BROJER, K. FUCHS, H. GROSS, W. HOVORKA, M.A. JÄCH, A. LINK, E. OCKERMÜLLER & T. SCHERNHAMMER: Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Wien (Österreich) (I) (Coleoptera), p.279-302
    Noteworthy faunistic records of 60 species of Coleoptera from the Federal Province of Vienna (Austria) are provided. These species belong to the following 17 families: Carabidae, Spercheidae, Silphidae, Geotrupidae, Ochodaeidae, Aphodiidae, Melolonthidae, Dynastidae, Elateridae, Buprest- idae, Elmidae, Scirtidae, Laemophloeidae, Mordellidae, Tenebrionidae, Cerambycidae, Curculionidae.
    In total, 24 species are newly recorded for the fauna of Vienna: Brachinus (s.str.) elegans CHAUDOIR, 1842, B. (s.str.) psophia AUDINET-SERVILLE, 1821, Tachys (Paratachys) fulvicollis (DEJEAN, 1831), Badister (Baudia) collaris MOTSCHULSKY, 1844, Pogonus (s.str.) luridipennis (GERMAR, 1822), Polistichus connexus (GEOFFROY, 1785) (Carabidae), Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) godeti GORY & LAPORTE, 1839, A. (M.) nigrojubata incognita BILÝ, 1974, A. (s.str.) candens candens (PANZER, 1792), A. (s.str.) suzannae THERY, 1942, Buprestis (s.str.) octoguttata octoguttata LINNAEUS, 1758, Chrysobothris (s.str.) igniventris REITTER, 1895, Phaenops formaneki formaneki JACOBSON, 1913, Agrilus (Quercuagrilus) derasofasciatus LACORDAIRE, 1835, A. (Q.) hastulifer (RATZEBURG, 1837), A. (Robertius) delphinensis ABEILLE DE PERRIN, 1897, A. (incertae sedis) kubani BILÝ, 1991, Coraebus undatus (FABRICIUS, 1787), Trachys troglodytes troglodytes GYLLENHAL, 1817 (Buprest- idae), Elmis rioloides (KUWERT, 1890), Limnius opacus MÜLLER, 1806, L. perrisi (DUFOUR, 1843) (Elmidae), Mordellistena thuringiaca ERMISCH, 1963 (Mordellidae), Theophilea subcylindricollis HLADIL, 1988 (Cerambycidae).
    The records of the remaining 36 species include, for instance, confirmations of doubtfully recorded taxa, records of rare species, some of which have not been found in Vienna since decades, or records of species of conservation interest, or with special habitat requirements.
  • M.A. JÄCH: In memoriam Wolfgang Schönleithner (1951–2020), p.303-308
  • Water beetles of New Caledonia (part 2) – Editorial, p.309-310
  • B.J. van VONDEL, C. PÖLLABAUER, J.-F. PARPET, N. MARY, N. CHARPIN & M.A. JÄCH: On the rediscovery of Phalilus oberthuri (GUIGNOT, 1935) in New Caledonia (Coleoptera: Haliplidae), p.311-322
    Phalilus oberthuri (GUIGNOT, 1935) (Coleoptera: Haliplidae) was rediscovered in New Caledonia after more than 130 years. In the years 2015, 2016 and 2020, seven specimens (six adults and one larva) were collected in three adjacent dolines (sinkholes) in the very southern tip of New Caledonia (Grande Terre). These three dolines are briefly characterized, including also some physico-chemical data. The known distribution of P. oberthuri in New Caledonia and Australia is mapped. A remarkable, hitherto unrecognized, secondary sexual character of P. oberthuri is described and illustrated. The variability of the elytral maculation is briefly discussed. Four habitus photographs are provided, two of which were taken from a living specimen.
  • A. KOMAREK: Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 from New Caledonia: description of a new species, and corrections and additions concerning two previously described species (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), p.323-326
    Anacaena dumbeana sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) is described from New Caledonia, and its aedeagus is illustrated. Some erroneous data concerning A. silvatica KOMAREK, 2010 and A. violacea GENTILI, 1996 are deleted, and additional localities for each of these species are provided.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Mitteilung – short note: New depositories for holotypes of coll. G. Wewalka (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Noteridae), p.20
    In December 2020, Dr. Günther Wewalka (Vienna, Austria) has transferred the holotypes (Co- leoptera: Dytiscidae, Noteridae) of his private collection (CGW) to the Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria (NMW) (27 specimens) and the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary (HNHM) (1 specimen).
    All 28 holotypes are listed below, together with information on their original combination, type localities, synonymy, and final depository.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Mitteilung – short note: New depositories for holotypes of coll. G. Wewalka (continued from p. 20), p.152
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung – book review: QUENEY, P. & PRÉVOST, P. 2021: Clés d’identification des coléoptères aquatiques (adultes) de France métropolitaine. Tome I: Myxophaga, Polyphaga Hydrophiloidea (y compris espèces terrestres). – Compiègne: ADEP, Guyancourt: Opie, 190 pp. Weiche Buchbindung., p.136
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung – book review: (Fortsetzung von p. 136), p.144