Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 89


  • H.V. SHAVERDO & M. BALKE: A new species of the Exocelina ekari group and new faunistic data on 12 species of Exocelina BROUN, 1886 from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), p.1-10
    Exocelina kowalskii sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) is described from Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province) and placed in the E. ekari group based on the structure of the male genitalia. Affinities with morphologically similar species of the group are discussed. The new species is characterized by its male antennae and the shape of the male genitalia. Important diagnostic characters of the new species (habitus, colour, male antenna and protarsomeres 4–5, male genitalia) are illustrated. New faunistic data of 12 other species of Exocelina BROUN, 1886 are provided.
  • N.J. EDMONDS, G.N. FOSTER, P.I. DAVISON & A.S. AL-ZAIDAN: Additional records of aquatic Coleoptera from Kuwait (Coleoptera: Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae), p.11-15
    Eleven taxa of aquatic Coleoptera (Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Spercheidae, Hydrophilidae) are recorded from Kuwait, based mainly upon material caught at light during 2017, with eight species determined with confidence. Six species are new for Kuwait including the first representatives of the families Noteridae and Spercheidae.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung: VALLADARES et al. 2018: Coleoptera Hydraenidae (1/2), p.16-16
  • JÄCH, DELGADO, TWARDY, VILLASTRIGO & DORFER: Ochthebius (s.str.) caudatus FRIVALDSZKY, 1883: redescription, new records, and group assignation based on molecular data (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.17-28
    The halobiontic Ochthebius (s.str.) caudatus FRIVALDSZKY, 1883 is redescribed and recorded from Poland for the first time. Based on molecular data it is assigned to the O. marinus group. Its ecology is briefly described.
  • V. ASSING: A revision of the species of "Blepharhymenus" of the Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Oxypodini), p.29-106
    Species of Blepharhymenus SOLIER, 1849 had been reported from the Chilean Subregion (including the type species of the genus), the Nearctic, Palaearctic, Ethiopian, and Australian regions, suggesting that the overall distribution of this genus was remarkably discontinuous. In order to clarify the status and generic assignment of the Palaearctic species, types and additional material are revised, including also a selection of species from Chile and North America. A study of this material revealed that what had been regarded as Blepharhymenus in fact represents various distinct lineages and that none of the species from the Palaearctic Region belongs to the clade containing the type species of Blephar- hymenus. The following genus group taxa are newly described, revalidated, or elevated to genus: Echidnoglossa WOLLASTON, 1864, revalidated (previously synonym of Blepharhymenus); Maur- echidna subgen.n. (subgenus of Echidnoglossa; type species: Echidnoglossa ventricosa QUEDEN- FELDT, 1881); Orechidna subgen.n. (subgenus of Echidnoglossa; type species: Echidnoglossa hirthei sp.n.); Sinechidna subgen.n. (subgenus of Echidnoglossa; type species: Blepharhymenus smetanai PACE, 2012); Syntomenus BERNHAUER, 1939, stat.n. (previously subgenus of Blepharhymenus); Kortomenus gen.n. (type species: Blepharhymenus koreanus PAŚNIK, 2001); Colusa CASEY, 1885, re- validated (previously synonym of Blepharhymenus; type species Colusa gracilis CASEY, 1885). Echidnoglossa is discontinuously distributed across the Palaearctic and northern Oriental regions and currently includes 19 species in five subgenera. Syntomenus and the monotypical genus Kortomenus are confined to the southern East Palaearctic and northern Oriental regions. All the species from the Palaearctic and Oriental regions are (re-)described and illustrated, six of them for the first time: Echidnoglossa (Echidnoglossa) russa sp.n. (Egypt: Sinai Peninsula); Echidnoglossa (Orechidna) hirthei sp.n. (Nepal); E. (O.) betzi sp.n. (Thailand); E. (O.) artior sp.n. (Taiwan); E. (O.) formosana sp.n. (Taiwan); Syntomenus laoticus sp.n. (Laos). Numerous new combinations are proposed: the Pa- laearctic species previously attributed to Blepharhymenus are all assigned to Echidnoglossa, Syn- tomenus, or Kortomenus, and the binomen Ocalea dabensis (PACE, 2012), comb.n. (ex Blephar- hymenus) is established. The Nearctic species are transferred to Colusa. The following synonymies are proposed: Echidnoglossa corsica MULSANT & REY, 1875 = E. sardoa (SCHEERPELTZ, 1954), syn.n.; E. glabrata (KIESENWETTER, 1870) = E. moczarskii (SCHEERPELTZ, 1954), syn.n.; E. maghrebica (FAGEL, 1960) = E. peyerimhoffi (FAGEL, 1960), syn.n.; E. meschniggi (BERNHAUER, 1936) = E. elegans (FAGEL, 1959), syn.n. = E. guadalupensis (FAGEL, 1959), syn.n.; Syntomenus chinensis (BERNHAUER, 1939) = S. rougemonti (PACE, 1999), syn.n. Lectotypes are designated for Blepharhymenus moczarskii SCHEERPELTZ, 1954, Echidnoglossa paulinoi SKALITZKY, 1884, and E. ventricosa QUEDENFELDT, 1881. A checklist of the taxa distributed in the Palaearctic and Oriental regions and a key to the species of Echidnoglossa are provided. The distributions of Echidnoglossa species are mapped.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: New species and new faunistic data of West Palearctic Bisnius STEPHENS, 1829 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.107-114
    Two new species of West Palearctic Bisnius STEPHENS, 1829 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylin- inae, Philonthina) are described and illustrated: B. karkarensis (Armenia) and B. iranicus (Iran). Additional faunistic data are provided for Bisnius microphthalmus SCHILLHAMMER, 2011, B. schill- hammeri HROMADKA, 2001 and B. zhuk (GUSAROV, 1995). Bisnius microphthalmus SCHILLHAMMER, 2011 is recorded from Kazakhstan for the first time.
  • U. IRMLER: A new species and new records of the genus Philothalpus KRAATZ, 1857 from the Central Amazon with a revised key to the Brazilian species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Philothalpina), p.115-121
    A new species of Philothalpus KRAATZ, 1857 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini: Philo- thalpina), P. brasiliensis, is described from a Central Amazonian inundation forest near Manaus (Brazil). A revised key to the Brazilian species of Philothalpus is included. Furthermore, new records are provided for P. bicolor (SHARP, 1976) and P. pecki CHATZIMANOLIS & ASHE, 2005. The eco- logical demands of the new species are briefly discussed.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung: VALLADARES et al. 2018: Coleoptera Hydraenidae (2/2), p.122-122
  • R.B. ANGUS: A new species of the Helophorus (Rhopalohelophorus) frater-praenanus group from western Sichuan (China) (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.123-126
    Helophorus (Rhopalohelophorus) altosichuanensis sp.n. from western Sichuan is described. It is shown to be a member of the H. frater-praenanus species group and means of distinguishing it from other species of the group are given.
  • R.B. ANGUS, S.V. LITOVKIN & F. JIA: Notes on Helophorus (s.str.) kozlovi ZAITZEV, 1908, with description of two new species, re-evaluation of Helophorus s.str. FABRICIUS, 1775 and Trichohelophorus KUWERT, 1886, and revised keys to the subgenera of Helophorus and to the species of Helophorus s.str. (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.127-150
    The aedeagus of Helophorus (s.str.) kozlovi ZAITZEV, 1908 (Coleoptera: Helophoridae) is described and figured for the first time, based on a specimen from Qinghai (China). Helophorus (s.str.) vere- schaginae sp.n. from Uzbekistan and H. (s.str.) robustus sp.n. from Kazakhstan are described. The latter resembles a large H. oscillator SHARP, 1915, which is here transferred from the subgenus Trichohelophorus KUWERT, 1886 to Helophorus s.str. FABRICIUS, 1775. The aedeagus of H. (s.str.) dracomontanus ANGUS, 1970 is described and illustrated for the first time. Helophorus syriacus KUWERT, 1885 is recorded from Kyrgyzstan for the first time. Revised keys to the subgenera of Helophorus and to the species of Helophorus s.str. are provided. The occurrence of H. (s.str.) khnzoriani ANGUS, 1970 as a Pleistocene fossil in Sweden and Greenland is briefly discussed.
  • A. KOMAREK: Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus RÉGIMBART, 1903 III. Southeast Asia (except Philippines) and Australian Region (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae), p.151-316
    The species of Agraphydrus RÉGIMBART, 1903 from Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Vietnam are revised. Agraphydrus biprojectus MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA, 2015, A. coronarius MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA, 2015, A. geminus (ORCHYMONT, 1932), A. jaechi (HANSEN, 1999), A. malayanus (HEBAUER, 2000), A. orientalis (ORCHYMONT, 1932), A. regularis (HANSEN, 1999), A. siamensis (HANSEN, 1999), and A. thaiensis MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA, 2015 are redescribed. Sixty new species are described: A. anacaenoides, A. angulatus, A. bacchusi, A. balkeorum, A. borneensis, A. brevipenis, A. burmensis, A. carinatulus, A. cervus, A. clarus, A. delineatus, A. engkari, A. excisus, A. exiguus, A. floresinus, A. hamatus, A. helicopter, A. hendrichi, A. heterochromatus, A. hortensis, A. imitans, A. infuscatus, A. jankodadai, A. kathapa, A. laocaiensis, A. latus, A. lunaris, A. maehongsonensis, A. manfredjaechi, A. mazzoldii, A. microphthalmus, A. mirabilis, A. muluensis, A. musculus, A. namthaensis, A. nemo- rosus, A. nigroflavus, A. obesus, A. orbicularis, A. pallidus, A. papuanus, A. penangensis, A. piceus, A. raucus, A. reticulatus, A. rhomboideus, A. sarawakensis, A. schoedli, A. scintillans, A. shaverdoae, A. skalei, A. spadix, A. spinosus, A. stramineus, A. sucineus, A. sundaicus, A. tamdao, A. tristis, A. tu- lipa, A. vietnamensis. Agraphydrus superans (HEBAUER, 2000) is synonymized with A. jaechi. The genus Agraphydrus is recorded from Brunei for the first time. Agraphydrus activus KOMAREK & HEBAUER, 2018 is recorded from Thailand for the first time, A. coomani (ORCHYMONT, 1927) is recorded from Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand for the first time, A. arduus KOMAREK & HEBAUER, 2018, A. biprojectus MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA, 2015, A. confusus KOMAREK & HEBAUER, 2018 from Laos, A. masatakai MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA, 2015 from Myanmar and Vietnam. Agraphydrus anhuianus (HEBAUER, 2000) and A. malayanus were erro- neously recorded from Thailand by MINOSHIMA, KOMAREK & ÔHARA (2015), resp. by HEBAUER (2000). Agraphydrus anhuianus is so far confirmed only for China (Anhui), and therefore it is here excluded from the fauna of Southeast Asia. A total of eighty described species is now known from Southeast Asia and the Australian Region. Agraphydrus coomani is widespread in the Oriental and Australian regions, while most of the other species are restricted to one or two countries. Thirty-one species were collected in Malaysia, 17 in Thailand as well as in Indonesia, 16 in Vietnam, and only one species is known from Australia. Eleven of the species were collected also in China, A. connexus and A. coomani also on the Indian Subcontinent. The habitat of six species is unknown, all other species were collected in aquatic habitats. Fifteen species were collected at light, at least some species were found in hygropetric habitats. Habitus, male genitalia and other morphological details are illustrated, distribution maps are pre- sented, and a key to the species is added.
  • S. SKALICKY: Augyles cherryae sp.n. from India, and two new faunistic records (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.317-320
    Augyles cherryae sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) from India (Uttar Pradesh) is described and illustrated. Augyles kolibaci SKALICKY, 1998 is recorded for the first time from Pakistan, and Heterocerus virgatus MAMITZA, 1933 is recorded for the first time from Uttar Pradesh.
  • H. KIPPENBERG: Rhodopaea heinzi sp.n. aus Anatolien (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae), p.321-324
    Until now, the genus Rhodopaea GRUEV & TOMOV, 1968 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) was thought to be a monotypic endemic genus of the Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria). However, a second species, R. heinzi sp.n., is here described from northwestern Anatolia (Turkey). It can be distinguished from the type species, R. angelovi GRUEV & TOMOV, 1968, by the punctate elytral interstriae, by the semi-erect elytral setae, and by the pronotal punctures being larger, less elongate and less densely arranged.
  • H. SCHMID: Eine neue Art der Tribus Psebiini aus Äthiopien (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), p.325-328
    Die Gattung Duffyia QUENTIN & VILLIERS, 1971 galt bisher als monotypisch. Die Typus-Art, Haplopsebium basilewskyi DUFFY, 1955, wurde aus Ruanda beschrieben. Im Zuge einer Reise nach Äthiopien konnte der Autor eine zweite Art dieser Gattung entdecken, die hier beschrieben wird.
  • A. SKALE: Zwei neue Polyzonus-Arten aus Vietnam (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), p.329-334
    Two new species of Polyzonus DEJEAN, 1835 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Callichro- matini) are described from Vietnam: P. weigeli sp.n. (northern Vietnam) and P. gerstmeieri sp.n. (southern Vietnam).
  • J. RHEINHEIMER: Die Gattung Corrhecerus SCHÖNHERR, 1826 aus Französisch-Guayana (Coleoptera: Anthribidae), p.335-345
    Five new species of Corrhecerus SCHÖNHERR, 1826 (Coleoptera: Anthribidae), C. calix sp.n., C. cen- tromaculatus sp.n., C. crassimargo sp.n., C. m-nigrum sp.n., and C. nigrovarius sp.n. are described from French Guyana. Corrhecerus flaccidus GYLLENHAL, 1833, and C. pubicornis (FABRICIUS, 1801) are recorded from French Guyana for the first time. A key to the identification of all species of Corrhecerus currently known from French Guyana as well as their habitus photographs are provided.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung: RHEINHEIMER & HASSLER 2018: Die Blattkäfer Baden-Württembergs (1/2), p.346-346
  • Die Gattung Piazurus SCHÖNHERR, 1825 in Französisch-Guayana (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae): J. RHEINHEIMER, p.347-364
    A new species of Piazurus SCHÖNHERR, 1825 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae), Piazurus rugatus sp.n., is described from French Guyana. Piazurus costatus FIEDLER, 1936 is recorded from French Guyana for the first time. All 28 species of Piazurus occurring in French Guyana are illu- strated, and a key to their identification is offered.
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Sphincticraerus barclayi sp.n. from South Africa (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Anthonomini), p.365-370
    A new species of Sphincticraerus MARSEUL, 1871 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Antho- nomini), S. barclayi, is described from South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Province). It is related to S. lon- gisetis (MARSHALL, 1932) from South Africa. Lectotypes are designated for S. longisetis (MARSHALL, 1932) and S. zizyphi (MARSHALL, 1932). The South African species of this genus are keyed.
  • A.V. PETROV: Description of a new species of Cnestus SAMPSON, 1911 from Vanuatu (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), p.371-373
    A new species of Cnestus SAMPSON, 1911, C. atkinsoni (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyle- borini), is described from Vanuatu.
  • M.A. JÄCH: Buchbesprechung: RHEINHEIMER & HASSLER 2018: Die Blattkäfer Baden-Württembergs (2/2), p.374-374