Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 88


  • G. WEWALKA & M.A. JÄCH: A new species of Hydaticus LEACH, 1817 from New Caledonia (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), p.1-8
    Hydaticus (Prodaticus) manueli sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), a member of the H. sexguttatus group, is described from New Caledonia and compared with other species of the same group, and with H. bihamatus AUBÉ, 1838, the only other New Caledonian Hydaticus LEACH, 1817 with similar coloura- tion.
  • Z. LIANG, F. JIA & B.J. van VONDEL: Actualized checklist of Chinese Haliplidae, with new provincial records (Coleoptera: Haliplidae), p.9-15
    An actualized checklist of the Haliplidae (Coleoptera) of China is presented, with new locality data, including nine new provincial records. A total of 27 species is now recorded from China. Variations of Haliplus (Liaphlus) abbreviatus WEHNCKE, 1880 and H. (L.) sharpi WEHNCKE, 1880 are illustrated.
  • M.A. JÄCH & I. RIBERA: Angiochthebius subgen.n., a new subgenus of Ochthebius LEACH, 1815 from the southern Neotropical Region (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.17-21
    A new subgenus of Ochthebius LEACH, 1815 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) is described: Angiochthebius subgen.n. (type species: Gymnochthebius plesiotypus PERKINS, 1980), which corresponds to the Gymnochthebius plesiotypus species group sensu PERKINS (1980). The new subgenus includes three species from Argentina and Chile: Ochthebius (Angiochthebius) jensenhaarupi KNISCH, 1924, O. (A.) octonarius (PERKINS, 1980) comb.n., and O. (A.) plesiotypus (PERKINS, 1980) comb.n. Angiochthe- bius can be distinguished from the subgenera Gymnochthebius ORCHYMONT, 1943 and Gymnanthelius PERKINS, 2004 mainly by the 5th abdominal ventrite, which is entirely pubescent, while it is totally or partly glabrous in Gymnochthebius and Gymnanthelius. The aedeagal median piece of Angiochthebius is bifid (in contrast to Ochthebius s.str. and Gymnanthelius). Ochthebius (A.) octonarius is recorded for the first time from Salta Province (Argentina); O. (A.) plesiotypus is recorded for the first time from Cordillera, Maipo and Malleco provinces (Chile).
  • V. ASSING: On the subterranean Staphylinidae fauna of South Spain (Coleoptera), p.23-41
    Staphylinidae from soil samples collected in South Spain, all of them obtained by soil washing, were examined. Seven new species belonging to three subfamilies are described and illustrated: Alevonota alboculata sp.n. (Murcia) of the Aleocharinae, Lusitanopsis lencinai sp.n. (Murcia) of the Osoriinae, and Entomoculia (Stenotyphlus) solanae sp.n. (Castilla-La Mancha: Albacete), Paratyphlus deformis sp.n. (Murcia), P. magnispina sp.n. (Castilla-La Mancha: Ciudad Real), P. lencinai sp.n. (Murcia), and P. carmeloi sp.n. (Murcia) of the Leptotyphlinae. Paraleptusa anophthalma (EPPELSHEIM, 1884) is recorded for the first time since the original description; its habitus and the primary sexual characters are illustrated. An overview of the subterranean Staphylinidae fauna previously known from South Spain is provided. The distributions of three genera in the south of the Iberian Peninsula are mapped. New records of some additional species are reported.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: Five new species of the subtribe Anisolinina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.43-57
    Five new species of three genera of the subtribe Anisolinina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphy- lininae) are described: Hesperosoma (s.str.) rufomarginatum (Vietnam), H. (Paramichrotus) gui- zhouense (China), H. (Paramichrotus) nigricolle (Myanmar), Philomyceta taungmae (Myanmar) and Hesperoschema schoenmanni (China). The aedeagi of all new species are illustrated and habitus photographs of four species are provided. A key to species of Hesperoschema SCHEERPELTZ, 1965 is given for the first time.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: On some Staphylinidae from Natmataung National Park, Chin State, Myanmar (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae, Staphylininae), p.59-68
    A selection of Staphylinidae from Natmataung National Park (Chin State, Myanmar) is treated. Two new species are described and illustrated: Gabrius victoriae sp.n. and Anchocerus apterus sp.n. The male characters of two species, Paederus natmataungensis WILLERS & SCHILLHAMMER, 2015 and Algon angelikae SCHILLHAMMER, 2011, are described and illustrated for the first time. The description and genital illustration of Algon semiaeneus CAMERON, 1932 are improved and Gabrius sagittifer SCHILLHAMMER, 1997 is recorded from Myanmar for the first time.
  • U. IRMLER: New Neotropical species of the genera Gnathymenus SOLIER, 1849 and Piestus GRAVENHORST, 1806 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae, Piestinae), p.69-73
    Two new species are described from Brazil: Gnathymenus schubarti sp.n. (Staphylinidae: Paederinae) from Rio de Janeiro, and Piestus amazonensis sp.n. (Staphylinidae: Piestinae) from Amazonas. Their distribution and ecology are shortly discussed.
  • Gy. MAKRANCZY: Generic reassignments of New World species in the Carpelimus group of genera (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), p.75-102
    A forthcoming type revision of Carpelimus LEACH, 1819 species described from the New World necessitates moving nine nominal taxa to Thinodromus KRAATZ, 1857. Lectotypes are designated for Trogophloeus ferrugineus ERICHSON, 1840, T. hilaris SHARP, 1876, T. latifrons SHARP, 1876, T. opacellus BERNHAUER, 1941 and T. subdenticulatus BERNHAUER, 1908, and the following are new combinations: Thinodromus breviceps (SHARP, 1876) comb.n., T. darlingtoni (BLACKWELDER, 1943) comb.n., T. ferrugineus (ERICHSON, 1840) comb.n., T. forsteri (SCHEERPELTZ, 1960) comb.n., T. hilaris (SHARP, 1876) comb.n., T. latifrons (SHARP, 1876) comb.n., T. phloeoporinus (LECONTE, 1877) comb.n., T. subdenticulatus (BERNHAUER, 1908) comb.n. and T. vicinus (SHARP, 1876) comb.n. New synonyms are proposed: Thinodromus ferrugineus (ERICHSON, 1840) = Trogophloeus strandi BERNHAUER, 1934, syn.n. and T. velutinus (SHARP, 1887) = Trogophloeus opacellus BERNHAUER, 1841, syn.n. One species is described as new to science: Thinodromus hermani sp.n. (Nicaragua: Matagalpa). All type material is studied, documented and the species discussed are illustrated. The generic limits are discussed with particular attention to the species groups involved.
  • A. KOMAREK: Taxonomic revision of Agraphydrus RÉGIMBART, 1903 II. The Indian Subcontinent (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae), p.103-204
    The species of Agraphydrus RÉGIMBART, 1903 from Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are revised. Agraphydrus exedis (ORCHYMONT, 1937), A. indicus (ORCHYMONT, 1932), A. kempi (ORCHYMONT, 1922), A. montanus MINOSHIMA et al., 2015, A. pauculus (KNISCH, 1924), A. pyg- maeus (KNISCH, 1924), A. stagnalis (ORCHYMONT, 1937), and A. uvaensis (HEBAUER, 2000) are redescribed. Thirty-six new species are described: Agraphydrus anatinus, A. andamanicus, A. angus- tipenis, A. annapurnensis, A. ater, A. bhutanensis, A. boukali, A. ceylonensis, A. cinnamum, A. com- munis, A. constrictus, A. crassipenis, A. falcatus, A. flavonotus, A. fortis, A. gilvus, A. glaber, A. hein- richi, A. hygropetricus, A. inflatus, A. kallar, A. khasiensis, A. kodaguensis, A. meghalayanus, A. na- nus, A. nepalensis, A. obscuratus, A. obsoletus, A. protentus, A. pullus, A. punctulatus, A. rostratus, A.rugosus, A. sipekorum, A. taprobanensis, and A. tumulosus. Lectotypes are designated for A. pauculus and A. pygmaeus. Specimens from Afghanistan, recorded under the name "Agraphilydrus pauculus KNISCH" by CHIESA (1967) were also examined; they belong to Agraphydrus, but they could not be identified to species level. The genus Agraphydrus is recorded from Bhutan for the first time; A. coomani (ORCHYMONT, 1927) is recorded from the Indian Subcontinent (Sri Lanka) for the first time; other new records: A. connexus KOMAREK & HEBAUER, 2018 from Bhutan and India; A. indicus from Bhutan and Nepal; and A. kempi, A. pygmaeus, A. stagnalis from Bhutan. A total of 46 species is now known from the Indian Subcontinent. Agraphydrus coomani and A. connexus are widespread in the Oriental Region, the former also in the Australian Region; all other species are restricted to the Indian Subcontinent. Six of the seven species known from Sri Lanka are endemic to this island. The habitat of four species is unknown, all other species are aquatic, nine were found in hygropetric habitats. Habitus, male genitalia and other morphological details are illustrated, distribution maps are presented, and a key to the species is added.
  • I.S. PLONSKI: A new species of Dromanthomorphus PIC, 1921 with flabellate antennae from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Malachiidae), p.205-209
    A new species of Dromanthomorphus PIC, 1921 (Malachiidae: Malachiinae: Apalochrini), D. schoen- manni sp.n., is described from Tioman Island (W Malaysia).
  • E. GEISER: Additions to the checklist of the Chrysomelidae (excluding Bruchinae) of Austria (II) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), p.211-215
    The checklist of the Chrysomelidae of Austria (GEISER 2004) is supplemented with four species. Donacia malinovskyi AHRENS, 1810 and D. tomentosa AHRENS, 1810, collected several decades ago, were found in the collections of the Natural History Museum Vienna and the State Museum of Upper Austria, Linz. Lilioceris schneideri (WEISE, 1910), which has been split from L. merdigera (L., 1758), is rather widely distributed in Austria. Chrysolina pseudolurida (ROUBAL, 1917) was recently collected in Styria by E. Holzer.
  • H. KIPPENBERG: Eine übersehene Smaragdina-Art aus dem Iran (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), p.217-220
    Smaragdina muehlei sp.n. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Iran is described and compared with related species. A key to the Westpalearctic species of Smaragdina CHEVROLAT, 1837 with yellowish elytra and blue pattern is provided.
  • A. SKALE: Bemerkungen zur Gattung Chelidonium THOMSON, 1864, Teil 1 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Callichromatini), p.221-235
    Gracilichroma VIVES, BENTANACHS & CHEW, 2008 syn.n. and Malayanochroma BENTANACHS & DROUIN, 2013 syn.n. are considered as junior synonyms of Chelidonium THOMSON, 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Callichromatini). Two species are transferred from Chelidonium to Chloridolum THOMSON, 1864: Chloridolum herteli (PODANY, 1974) comb.n., Chloridolum jeanvoinei (PIC, 1937) comb.n. A new name, Chloridolum nadleri SKALE, 2018 nom.n., is proposed for Chloridolum jeanvoinei (PIC, 1937) (nec Chloridolum jeanvoinei PIC, 1932). Chelidonium punctigerum (PASCOE, 1876) comb.rev. is transferred from Stenochroma VIVES, BENTANACHS & CHEW, 2009, and Chelidonium bryanti PODANY, 1974 comb.rest. is transferred from Gracilichroma. Chelidonium violaceimembris GRESSITT & RONDON, 1970 syn.n. is considered as a junior synonym of C. purpureipes GRESSITT, 1939.
  • J. RHEINHEIMER: Neue Apionidae aus Französisch Guayana (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Apionidae), p.237-258
    Eight new species of Apionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) are described from French Guiana: Apionion aeneocaeruleum sp.n., A. diocleae sp.n., Coelocephalapion fossatum sp.n., C. rubricornipes sp.n., C. sparsepilosum sp.n., C. stylosanthae sp.n., C. tarsospinosum sp.n., and Stenapion schoen- manni sp.n. Coelocephalapion parvulum (GERSTAECKER, 1854) comb.n. is transferred from Apion HERBST, 1797, and is recorded from French Guiana for the first time. All new species are illustrated. A key for the identification of the species of Apionidae known from French Guiana is presented.
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Two new species of the genus Bradybatus GERMAR, 1823 (subgenus Nothops MARSEUL, 1868) from Lebanon (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Anthonomini), p.259-267
    Two new species of Bradybatus GERMAR, 1823 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae), belong- ing to the subgenus Nothops MARSEUL, 1868, are described from Lebanon: B. schoenmanni sp.n. and B. nemethi sp.n. The type material of closely related species has been studied. An updated key to the species of Nothops with remarks on the distribution is provided.
  • A.V. PETROV & M.Y. MANDELSHTAM: Description of a new species of Cnestus SAMPSON, 1911, and notes on other species from South America (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), p.269-274
    A new species of Cnestus SAMPSON, 1911 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini) is described from Ecuador: C. schoenmanni sp.n. The male of C. retifer WOOD, 2007 is described for the first time. Data on the distribution of C. laticeps (WOOD, 1977) in Brazil and Peru, C. peruanus (WOOD, 1977) in Ecuador, as well as C. retifer and C. retusus (EICHHOFF, 1868) in Peru are added.
  • M.A. Jäch: In memoriam Franz J. Legorsky (1922–2018), p.275-280
  • M.A. Jäch: In memoriam Heinrich A. Schönmann (1948–2017), p.281-292