Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 84


  • M. BAEHR: A new species of the Perigona parvicollis-lineage from Borneo (Coleoptera: Carabidae), p.
    A new species of the Perigona parvicollis-lineage (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiinae: Perigonini) is described from Borneo: P. crockerensis sp.n. The new species is differentiated from the other species of the P. parvicollis-lineage.
  • M. BAEHR: A new species of the genus Tachyta KIRBY, 1837 from the Oriental Region (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiinae: Bembidiini: Tachyina), p.
    A new species of the tachyine genus Tachyta KIRBY, 1837 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiinae: Bembidiini: Tachyina) is described: T. quadriplagiata from South Vietnam. The species is rather similar and probably most closely related to the southern Oriental species T. malayica (ANDREWES, 1925), and is differentiated from that species.
  • J. SCHMIDT: Three new Anchomenus BONELLI, 1810 from the West Palaearctic (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini), p.
    Two new species of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini) are described: Anchomenus bellus sp.n. from southern and eastern Turkey, and A. alcedo sp.n. from northern Israel and Lebanon. In external characters they are very similar to the western Turkey endemic A. dohrnii FAIRMAIRE, 1866, but differ distinctly each in male genitalic characters. A third new species of Anchomenus BONELLI is described from eastern Afghanistan: A. kataevi sp.n. The relationships of the new species are briefly discussed, and a key to the Palaearctic representatives of the genus Anchomenus is pro- vided. Anchomenus dorsalis infuscatus CHEVROLAT, 1854, formerly considered a junior synonym of A. dorsalis PONTOPPIDAN, 1763, is here regarded as a good subspecies.
  • H.V. SHAVERDO & M. BALKE: Exocelina kinibeli sp.n. from Papua New Guinea, a new species of the E. ullrichi-group (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), p.
    Exocelina kinibeli sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) is described from Papua New Guinea (Morobe Province) and placed into the E. ullrichi-group based on the structure of its male genitalia. An identification key to the three species of the group as well as new data on the distribution of E. kainantuensis (BALKE, 2001) and E. ullrichi (BALKE, 1998) are provided.
  • A. BILARDO & S. ROCCHI: Africophilus jaechi sp.n. from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), p.
    Africophilus jaechi sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from Madagascar is described and illustrated. This new species can be compared to A. pauliani LEGROS, 1950, because of the peculiar shape of the aedeagus. Key words: Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Laccophilinae, Africophilus, new species, Madagascar.
  • E. AISTLEITNER & M.A. JÄCH: Water beetles of Cabo Verde – new faunistic data and revised checklist (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae), p.
    New faunistic data on the Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of the Cabo Verde Archipelago (Atlantic Ocean) are presented. Two species, Hydroglyphus angularis (KLUG, 1834) (Dytiscidae) and Hydrophilus senegalensis (PERCHERON, 1835) (Hydrophilidae), collected by the senior author, are recorded from Cabo Verde for the first time. Specimens recorded under the name Helochares dilutus (ERICHSON, 1843) by WOLLASTON (1867) in fact belong to H. pallens (MACLEAY, 1825), which is here recorded from Cabo Verde for the first time. A revised checklist of the Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae of Cabo Verde is presented.
  • A. CORAY & D. SIEDE: Zur Verbreitung und Ökologie von Baranowskiella ehnstromi SÖRENSSON, 1997 in Mittel- und Westeuropa (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae), p.
    With a body size of only 0.5 mm, Baranowskiella ehnstromi SÖRENSSON, 1997 (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae: Ptiliinae: Nanosellini) is currently the smallest beetle recorded from Europe. For many years, this species, being the sole representative of the subfamily Nanosellini in the Western Palaearctic Region, was known only from Scandinavia. In 2009 it was collected for the first time in Central Europe. Outside Scandinavia it is meanwhile known from France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzer- land and Austria. Baranowskiella ehnstromi was collected exclusively from the fungus Phellinus conchatus. Additional ecological information is presented and the geographical distribution is updated.
  • J.A. DELGADO & M.A. JÄCH: Revision of the Palearctic species of the genus Ochthebius LEACH XXVIII. Ochthebius (Enicocerus) colveranus FERRO, 1979: inter- and intrapopulational aedeagal variability (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.
    The inter- and intrapopulational aedeagal variability of Ochthebius (Enicocerus) colveranus FERRO, 1979 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), distributed from Central Europe to the Caucasus Region, is des- cribed and discussed. The length of the aedeagus gradually decreases from north-west to south-east. In south-eastern populations, the ventral (convex) margin of the distal lobe is usually more angular and its dorsal (concave) margin is in some cases more strongly curved. However, these features are not entirely constant; they vary to some extent even within populations. Thus, populations from north- eastern Greece, Turkey, the Caucasus Region and the Crimea might at most be regarded as a distinct subspecies (O. c. ineditus FERRO, 1982, described from the Crimea), which should in any case be tested with DNA sequence analyses. Specimens from southern Greece (type locality of O. phthius FERRO, 1988) do not differ significantly from specimens from northeastern Italy (type locality of O. colveranus), and therefore the synonymy of O. phthius and O. colveranus is confirmed.
  • M.A. JÄCH & J.A. DELGADO: Revision of the Palearctic species of the genus Ochthebius LEACH XXIX. The Asian species of the O. vandykei group (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), p.
    The Asian species of the Ochthebius (s.str.) vandykei KNISCH, 1924 group (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) are revised taxonomically. This species group was formerly regarded as a separate genus (Neochthe- bius ORCHYMONT, 1932). Six new species are described: O. ahni (South Korea), O. asanoae (Japan: Honshu), O. hayashii (Japan: Honshu), O. matsudae (Japan: Honshu, ? Shikoku), O. parki (South Korea), and O. yoshitomii (Japan: Honshu, ? Sado, Hokkaido; Russia: Kuril Islands).
  • U. IRMLER: Additions to the Neotropical species of the genus Osorius GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1829 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), p.
    The study of further types of the genus Osorius GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1829 (Coleoptera: Staphylin- idae: Osoriinae) from the British Museum of Natural History results in the following new synonymies: Osorius ashei IRMLER, 2010 (= O. vicinus SHARP, 1887), O. paganus IRMLER, 2010 (= O. opacifrons SHARP, 1887). In new material from the American Museum of Natural History, New York, the Kansas Natural History Museum, the Natural History Museum, Prague, and the British Museum of Natural History, London, seven new species were found and are herein described: Osorius araguensis (Venezuela), O. clypealis (Brazil), O. clypeatus (Venezuela), O. cochabambae (Bolivia), O. crucei (Costa Rica), O. incultus (Brazil), and O. nobilis (Brazil, Guyana). Osorius opacifrons SHARP, 1887 is recorded from Panama for the first time.
  • V. ASSING: A revision of the species of Pinobius MACLEAY, 1871 of the Oriental, Palaearctic, and Australian Regions (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Dolicaonina), p.
    The species of the dolicaonine genus Pinobius MACLEAY, 1871 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Dolicaonina) of the Oriental, Palaearctic, and Australian Regions are revised. In all, 28 species are recognized, among them 14 species new to science: P. baculatus sp.n. (Indonesia: Java, Sumba), P. bifidus sp.n. (North India), P. bihamatus sp.n. (Myanmar), P. brevincisus sp.n. (South Vietnam), P. carinatus sp.n. (India: Maharashtra), P. discrepans sp.n. (Australia), P. extensus sp.n. (Papua New Guinea), P. firmilobatus sp.n. (Thailand, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), P. formidabilis sp.n. (Malaysia), P. imberbis sp.n. (India: Assam), P. inaequalis sp.n. (Indonesia: Sulawesi), P. linguatus sp.n. (Bangladesh), P. rotundatus sp.n. (India: Assam), P. subaequalis sp.n. (Indonesia: Sulawesi). All the species are (re-)described and illustrated. Pinobius vicinus (KRAATZ, 1859), previously regarded as a synonym of P. indicus (KRAATZ, 1859), is revalidated. The following synonymies are proposed: P. indicus (KRAATZ, 1859) = longipennis (CAMERON, 1931), syn.n.; P. paricolor (FAUVEL, 1878) = similis LAST, 1984, syn.n.; P. sparsiventris (FAUVEL, 1886) = javanus (CAMERON, 1936), syn.n. Pinobius pedatus (LEA, 1923) is tentatively regarded as a synonym of P. alatus (LEA, 1923). Lectotypes are designated for Dolicaon adjacens CAMERON, 1937, D. alatus LEA, 1923, D. indicus KRAATZ, 1859, D. javanus CAMERON, 1936, D. robustus KRAATZ, 1859, D. sparsiventris FAUVEL, 1886, and D. vicinus KRAATZ, 1859. The revision revealed that the previously described species had largely been misinterpreted, suggesting that nearly all literature records other than original descriptions are based on misidentifications. Primarily based on the morphology of the aedeagus, the species are assigned to four species groups. The zoogeography of the genus in the study region is discussed. The Indian Subcontinent, eastwards to Myanmar, is the region with the greatest diversity. The distributions of all the species are mapped. The examined material was largely collected at light sources, partly also sifted from leaf litter, at low to intermediate elevations. Only one of the studied specimens is teneral. A key to species and a checklist of the Pinobius species of the Oriental, Palaearctic, and Australian Regions are provided. The genus now comprises a total of 37 species, ten in the Afrotropical, twenty in the Oriental, and seven in the Australian Region. Only five species, none of them exclusive, have been recorded from the south of the Palaearctic Region (southern Arabian Peninsula, South Himalaya, South China), one of them of Afrotropical and the other four of Oriental affiliations. In an appendix, a dolicaonine species from the Afrotropical Region is described: Jarrigeus verberans sp.n. (Nigeria).
  • M. MARUYAMA & T. KANAO: Taxonomy of the termitophilous genus Termitodonia CAMERON (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), p.
    Termitodonia CAMERON, 1936 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Lomechusini) is redes- cribed. The taxon was originally described as a subgenus of Zyras STEPHENS, 1835 but is treated as a distinct genus herein. The following species are recognized: Termitodonia flava (CAMERON, 1936), comb.n. (type species; Java, Indonesia), T. thaiensis sp.n. (Chiang Mai, Thailand), and T. boothi sp.n. (Java, Indonesia). The systematic position of Termitodonia is discussed.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER: An update on Philomyceta CAMERON and Hesperosoma SCHEERPELTZ (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p.
    The genera Philomyceta CAMERON, 1944 and Hesperosoma SCHEERPELTZ, 1965 (Coleoptera: Staphy- linidae: Staphylininae) are updated. New combinations in Philomyceta: P. costata (FAUVEL, 1895) and P. semicyanea (FAUVEL, 1895), both originally described in Amichrotus SHARP, 1889 and later erroneously transferred to Thoracostrongylus BERNHAUER by CAMERON (1932). In addition, a new species is described from Nepal: Philomyceta kucerai. The key to species (SCHILLHAMMER 2012) is modified and extended to accommodate the additional three species. New combinations in Hespero- soma: H. (Paramichrotus) ruficolle (CAMERON, 1932), H. (Paramichrotus) distinctum (CAMERON, 1932), both described as Thoracostrongylus and later transferred to Amichrotus (HAMMOND 1984); three recently described species are transferred to the subgenus Paramichrotus NAOMI, 1982: H. (Paramichrotus) pederseni SCHILLHAMMER, 2009, H. alexpuchneri SCHILLHAMMER, 2009, H. (Para- michrotus) yunnanense SCHILLHAMMER, 2009. Habitus images are provided for Philomyceta costata and P. semicyanea as well as line drawings of their female tergites X and the aedeagus of Philomyceta kucerai.
  • R.B. ANGUS, F.-L. JIA & Z.-N. CHEN: A review of the Helophorus frater-praenanus group of species, with description of a new species and additional faunal records of Helophorus FABRICIUS from China and Bhutan (Coleoptera: Helophoridae), p.
    The six species of the East Palaearctic Helophorus frater-praenanus group (Coleoptera: Helophor- idae) are reviewed and a new species, H. aquila sp.n. is described from China (Qinghai). Habitus, head and pronotum and aedeagophores are figured for all the species and a key for their identification is given. Four further species which could be confused with the H. frater-praenanus group are discussed and illustrated. These are H. croaticus KUWERT, 1886, H. pumilio ERICHSON, 1837, H. pitcheri ANGUS, 1970 and H. shatrovskyi ANGUS, 1985. Additional faunal records of Helophorus FABRICIUS species from the Tibetan Plateau and other areas of China are given. Helophorus tuberculatus GYLLENHAL, 1808 is recorded from Bhutan for the first time.
  • D. MIGUÉLEZ & L.F. VALLADARES: New data on the distribution of some species of Iberian Hydrochus LEACH, with notes on their ecology (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae), p.
    New data on the distribution of seven species of Hydrochus LEACH (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae) in northern Spain are given. These records extend the known distribution area of these species, the record for Hydrochus ibericus VALLADARES, DÍAZ & DELGADO, 1999 in the northern Iberian Peninsula being of particular interest. Detailed maps for the four Iberian endemic species of this genus are provided, including both bibliographic and unpublished data. A complete study of the altitudinal range of the Iberian endemic species of Hydrochus shows that, except for Hydrochus angusi VALLADARES, 1988, their presence is linked to mountainous areas, usually above 1000 m.
  • A. KOMAREK: Corrections and additions to the taxonomy of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 from the People’s Republic of China (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), p.
    Based on the examination of the type specimens of Anacaena hunanensis PU, 1964 and A. pseudo- yunnanensis JIA, 1997 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) two new synonymies are established: A. hunan- ensis is a junior subjective synonym of A. yunnanensis ORCHYMONT, 1942, which has not been recorded from Hunan before, and A. pseudoyunnanensis JIA, 1997 is a junior subjective synonym of A. maculata PU, 1964.
  • A. KOMAREK & H. FREITAG: Revision of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 XI. Republic of the Philippines (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), p.
    The species of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) of the Republic of the Philippines are revised. Fifteen new species are described: Anacaena albay sp.n., A. amplocomata sp.n., A. apo sp.n., A. balabag sp.n., A. cordillera sp.n., A. davao sp.n., A. destructa sp.n., A. emergens sp.n., A. hemisphaerica sp.n., A. levistriata sp.n., A. philippina sp.n., A. princesa sp.n., A. quezona sp.n., A. sulcata sp.n., and A. zamboangana. All species are endemic to the Philippines, twelve are aquatic, the habitat of three species is unknown. All Philippine species are morphologically similar to other species of the eastern Oriental Region and probably do not form a monophyletic group. Morphological details are illustrated and a key to the species is presented.
  • A. BALLERIO: New data on Palaearctic Ceratocanthinae with description of a new species from China (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Hybosoridae), p.
    A new species of Pterorthochaetes GESTRO, 1899 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Hybosoridae) from Yunnan (China) is described and illustrated. Two Palaearctic (sensu BALLERIO 2006) records for Pterorthochaetes insularis GESTRO, 1899 (new for China: Yunnan) and Madrasostes feae (GESTRO, 1899) (new locality for India: Uttarakhand) are provided.
  • C. HERNANDO & I. RIBERA: Taxonomic revision of the genus Caccothryptus SHARP (Coleoptera: Limnichidae), p.
    The seven known species of the genus Caccothryptus SHARP (Coleoptera: Limnichidae: Limnichinae) are revised. Lectotypes are designated for C. laosensis (PIC, 1928), C. maculosus (PIC, 1923), C. punctatus PIC, 1923 and C. rouyeri PIC, 1922. Fourteen species are described as new: C. nepalensis sp.n. from Nepal, C. jendeki sp.n. from India, C. fujianensis sp.n. and C. sinensis sp.n. from China, C. auratus sp.n. from Thailand, C. malickyi sp.n. from Vietnam, C. luzonensis sp.n., C. nanus sp.n., C. ticaoensis sp.n. and C. zetteli sp.n. from the Philippines, C. schuhi sp.n. from Java (Indonesia), and C. jaechi sp.n., C. sulawesianus sp.n. and C. wooldridgei sp.n. from Sulawesi (Indonesia). Caccothryptus laosensis (PIC, 1928) is synonymised with C. maculosus (PIC, 1923). Five species groups are suggested based on external and genital characters: (1) C. compactus group, with dimorphic anterior male claws (among other characters); (2) C. rouyeri group, with a longitudinal sulcus in the median lobe of the aedeagus; (3) C. testudo group, with the median lobe of the aedeagus not longitudinally sulcate; (4) C. jaechi group, with a strong denticle in the ventral side of the median lobe of the aedeagus and glandular pores on the 4th and 5th abdominal sternites of males; and (5) C. zetteli group, also with glandular pores on the 4th and 5th abdominal sternites of males but without a strong denticle in the ventral side of the median lobe of the aedeagus. The distribution of the species and the species groups is discussed.
  • S. SKALICKY: New species and new records of Heteroceridae from the Arabian Peninsula and neighbouring areas (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), p.
    Heterocerus wolfgangi sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) from Saudi Arabia is described. Augyles flavidus (ROSSI, 1794), A. niloticus (GROUVELLE, 1896), A. turanicus (REITTER, 1887), Heterocerus fenestratus THUNBERG, 1784, H. flexuosus STEPHENS, 1828, H. persicus MASCAGNI, 1989, and H. philippensis philippensis GROUVELLE, 1896, are reported from Saudi Arabia for the first time. Augyles niloticus, A. obliteratus (KIESENWETTER, 1843), A. skalickyi MASCAGNI, 1993 and Heterocerus fenestratus are reported from Yemen for the first time. Augyles senescens (KIESENWETTER, 1865) and Heterocerus fenestratus are reported from Jordan for the first time. Heterocerus flexuosus is reported from Iraq for the first time. Augyles dilutissimus (REITTER, 1887) is reported from Israel and Azerbaijan for the first time. Augyles maritimus (GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1844), Heterocerus fenestratus and H. flexuosus are reported from Syria for the first time.
  • I.S. PLONSKI: Studies on the genus Intybia PASCOE, part II. Faunistic and taxonomic notes, with description of a new species of the I. plagiata-group (Coleoptera: Malachiidae), p.
    A new species of the Intybia plagiata group (Coleoptera: Malachiidae: Malachiinae: Apalochrini) is described: I. manfredjaechi sp.n. from central India (Madhya Pradesh). Furthermore, a new key to the species group, and supplementary faunistic notes are provided. Three new combinations are proposed: Intybia biguttula (ERICHSON, 1840) comb.n., I. rubrithorax (PIC, 1907) comb.n. and I. unimaculata (PIC, 1917) comb.n. are transferred from Laius GUÉRIN-MÉNEVILLE, 1830.
  • H. SCHMID: Zwei neue Bockkäfer aus Afrika (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), p.
    Two new species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) are described: Calanthemis bergerdostalorum sp.n. (Príncipe Island) and Chlorophorus alfredpuchneri sp.n. (Angola).
  • H. SCHMID: Zwei neue neotropische Bockkäfer (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), p.
    Two new species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) are described: Jupoata jaechi sp.n. (Bolivia) and Exalphus cicatricornis sp.n. (Brazil: Amazonas).
  • M. KOŠŤÁL: Revision of the genus Acentrus DESMAREST, 1839 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), p.
    An overview of the valid species of the genus Acentrus DESMAREST, 1839 (Coleoptera: Curculion- idae: Curculioninae) is given. A lectotype of Cryptorhynchus histrio BOHEMAN, 1837 is designated. Acentrus boroveci sp.n. from Uzbekistan and A. zarathustra sp.n. from Iran are described. Acentrus rufescens PIC, 1922 is confirmed to be a junior synonym of A. histrio (BOHEMAN, 1837). All valid species of the genus Acentrus are keyed and their distribution is given.
  • J. RHEINHEIMER: Neue Arten der Tribus Hylobiini aus Französisch Guayana (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae), p.
    Six new species of Hylobiini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae), Heilipodus albobrunneus sp.n., H. flavofasciatus sp.n., H. nigropictus sp.n., H. oculatogranulatus sp.n., H. transversalis sp.n., and Arniticus alboguttatus sp.n. are described from French Guyana. Arniticus setiger CHAMPION, 1902 is recorded from South America for the first time. All species are illustrated. A key for the identification of the species of Arniticus is presented.
  • T. CLAYHILLS: Coleoptera species new to Finland (2) (Coleoptera), p.
    Twelve Coleoptera species new to Finland are presented, mostly based on the author’s collections during the years 2009–2013: Graphoderus austriacus (STURM) (Dytiscidae), Helophorus obscurus MULSANT (Helophoridae), Carpelimus subtilis (ERICHSON), Staphylinus dimidiaticornis GEMMINGER, Quedius persimilis MULSANT & REY (Staphylinidae), Hylis olexai PALM (Eucnemidae), Trixagus meybohmi LESEIGNEUR (Throscidae), Pria dulcamarae (SCOPOLI) (Nitidulidae), Micrambe woodroffei JOHNSON (Cryptophagidae), Mordellistena falsoparvula ERMISCH (Mordellidae), Oulema rufocyanea (SUFFRIAN) (Chrysomelidae) and Archarius pyrrhoceras (MARSHAM) (Curculionidae). Short faunistic data are provided.
  • M. BROJER, E. GEISER & R. SCHUH: Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Österreich (XX) (Coleoptera), p.
    Faunistic data for rare or little known species of Coleoptera from Austria are provided. New provincial records: Mordellidae: Mordellochroa milleri (EMERY, 1876) (Vienna) and Chrysomelidae: Donacia springeri MÜLLER, 1916 (Upper Austria). Eubria palustris (MÜLLER, 1818) is recorded from Vienna for the second time after 140 years.