M.A. JÄCH & R. SCHUH: 100 Years Coleopterological Review (Koleopterologische Rundschau) – Happy Birthday, p.
The history of the "Koleopterologische Rundschau" ("Coleopterological Review", CR), an exclusively coleopterological journal is reviewed. It was founded by a Viennese insect dealer towards the end of the "Golden Age of Viennese Coleopterology". The first fascicle appeared in December 1911, but the first complete volume was actually published in 1912. The "Rundschau" managed to survive both World Wars. After a modest period of prosperity in the 1930s, it lead a rather shadowy existence until 1989. In 1990 the journal was restyled completely. Since then, its contents, layout and quality of printing have improved continuously.