Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 79


  • HÃÁJEK J. & BISTRÖM O.: Uvarus occultus (SHARP) comb.n., the first Palaearctic member of the genus Uvarus GUIGNOT (Dytiscidae), p. 1, p.
    Bidessus occultus SHARP, 1882 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), described from a single specimen from western Arabia, is redescribed, illustrated and transferred to the genus Uvarus GUIGNOT, 1939. It is very similar to the widely distributed Subsaharan U. peringueyi (RÉGIMBART, 1895). Uvarus occultus comb.n. is the first member of the genus reaching the southern margin of the Palaearctic Region.
  • HARTEN, A. van (Hrsg.) 2008/2009: Arthropod fauna of the United Arab Emirates, p. 4, p.
    Abu Dhabi: Multiply Marketing Consultancy Services, Band 1 (2008): 754 pp., Band 2 (2009): 786 pp. Bestellung: Goecke & Evers Antiquariat (www.goeckeevers.de)
  • ALARIE Y. , MEGNA Y. S. & DELER-HERNANDEZ A.: First West Indies records of Thermonectus succinctus (AUBÉ, 1838), with notes on other Cuban species (Dytiscidae), p. 5, p.
    The present work deals with the taxonomic composition, distribution and bionomics of the Aciliini genus Thermonectus DEJEAN, 1833 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Cuba. Thermonectus succinctus is recorded for the first time from the West Indies. A key to the four species of Thermonectus from Cuba is provided.
  • ALARIE Y.: The Hydradephaga of the Magdalen Island Archipelago, Canada (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae), p. 17, p.
    Adults of 45 species of Hydradephaga (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae) were collected in wetland habitats of the Magdalen Island Archipelago in eastern Canada. Sanfilippodytes pseudovilis (YOUNG), Dineutus nigrior (ROBERTS), D. hornii (ROBERTS), and Gyrinus maculiventris LECONTE are recorded for the first time in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. Dineutus nigrior, D. hornii and Gyrinus maculiventris are recorded for the first time in Atlantic Canada. In addition to these species Agabus semipunctatus (KIRBY), Colymbetes sculptilis HARRIS, Hydroporus badiellus FALL, H. rectus FALL, Ilybius discedens SHARP, Laccophilus maculosus SAY, Neoscutopterus hornii (CROTCH), Rhantus binotatus (HARRIS), R. suturellus (HARRIS), and R. wallisi HATCH are all newly recorded from the Magdalen Islands. This study brings to 53 the number of Hydradephaga recorded in the archipelago. The fauna is characteristic of the Boreal and Atlantic Maritime Ecozones and most species have a transcontinental distribution.
  • JÄCH, M. A., DIAZ, J. A., VALLADARES, L. F., RÉGIL, J. A. & BLANCO, R.: Redescription of Hydraena serricollis WOLLASTAN, with special emphasis on intraspecific variability (Hydraenidae), p. 27, p.
    Hydraena (s.str.) serricollis WOLLASTON, 1864 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae), endemic to the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma and Tenerife Islands) is redescribed. Several populations were found to possess enlarged apical elytral punctures.
  • In memorian Harald Schweiger, p. 38, p.
  • DELGADO, J. A. & JÄCH, M. A.: Revision of the Palearctic species of the genus Ochthebius LEACH XXVII. Revisional notes on the O. (s.str.) foveolatus subgroup (Hydraenidae), p. 39, p.
  • Buchbesprechung: GERLACH, J. (Hrsg.) 2009: The Coleoptera of the Seychelles, p. 58, p.
    Sofia: Pensoft Publishers (Pensoft Series Faunistica 88), 266 pp. Preis: € 55. Softcover; Format: 24 × 16 cm.
  • IRMLER, U.: Two new species of the Neotropical Dirocephalus complex of genera (Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), p. 59, p.
    Two new species, Dirocephalus amazonicus and Quadricephalus brevicornis (Coleoptera: Staphy- linidae: Osoriinae), are described. These are the first records of the Dirocephalus complex of genera from the Central Amazon basin and the second species of the genus Quadricephalus IRMLER, 2005.
  • YAMAMOTO, S. & MARUYAMA, M.: Description of Aleochara (Maseochara) hiranoi sp.n. from Japan (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), p. 65, p.
    Aleochara (Maseochara) hiranoi sp.n. (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Aleocharini) is described from Japan (Honshû). This species is closely related to A. (M.) javana, but is easily distinguished by the larger body and by the male genitalia; it differs from other Japanese species by its flattened and slender body. Although A. (M.) hiranoi is considerably different from American species of Maseo- chara SHARP, including the type species, we tentatively assign it to this subgenus.
  • MARUYAMA, M. & HAYASHI, M.: Description of the intertidal aleocharine Halorhadinus sawadai sp.n. from Japan, with notes on the genus Halorhadinus SAWADA, 1971 (Staphylinidae), p. 71, p.
    Halorhadinus sawadai sp.n. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) is described. It was collected from gravel beaches of the Sea of Japan (Honshû). A revised key of Halorhadinus SAWADA, 1971 is presented based on its general appearance. Halorhadinus species are confined to gravel beaches in western Japan and southern Korea. Currently, Halorhadinus (SAWADA, 1971) is classified as Liparocephalini, but the monophyly of the tribe is doubtful. Halorhadinus might be closely related to Bryothinusa, and is tentatively regarded as a member of Myllaenini.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Additional notes on the subtribe Anisolinina, with descriptions of seven new species (Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p. 83, p.
    New faunistic data and new species of the subtribe Anisolinina HAYASHI, 1993 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) are presented. Seven new species are described: Hesperoschema kurbatovi (China: Sichuan), H. opacum (China: Sichuan), Hesperosoma alexpuchneri (China: Sichuan), H. kleebergi (Nepal), H. pederseni (Laos), H. tarasovi (Laos), and H. yunnanense (China: Yunnan). Hesperosoma miwai ssp. nanshanchiana HAYASHI, 1993 and H. sakoi HAYASHI, 1993 are synonymized with H. miwai (BERNHAUER, 1943). The aedeagi of all new species represented by males are figured. The habitus of some species as well as some comparative details are shown in color photographs.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Notes on some West Palearctic Staphylinini, with description of a new species from Spain (Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), p. 97, p.
    Nomenclatural changes in West Palearctic Staphylinini, particularly Central European species, are presented. One new species is described: Tasgius hispanus (Spain). New synonymies: Philonthus nimbicola FAUVEL, 1874 (= P. montivagoides COIFFAIT, 1963, = P. obirensis LOHSE, 1988); P. pyrenaeus MÄRKEL & KIESENWETTER, 1848 (= P. parafrigidus COIFFAIT, 1963); P. varians PAYKULL, 1789 (= P. couloni DRUGMAND, 1987); P. jurgans TOTTENHAM, 1937 (= P. derennei DRUGMAND, 1987); P. viridipennis FAUVEL, 1875 (= P. diversiceps BERNHAUER, 1901); Gabrius robustus SMETANA, 1953 (= G. noei COIFFAIT, 1966). In addition, 19 nomina dubia described by GISTEL (1857) are synonymized with common European species. Ocypus brunnipes ssp. alpicola ERICHSON, 1840 is raised to species level. The aedeagi of most species treated, the female tergites X of four species of the Philonthus varians group, and the head and pronotum of three species of Tasgius STEPHENS, 1829 are illustrated.
  • ASSING, V.: On the Staphylinidae of Turkey VI. Thirteen new species and additional records (Staphylinidae), p. 117, p.
    Thirteen species are described from Turkey: Aleochara (Ceranota) simplicicornis sp.n. (Ordu, Erzurum), Aploderus transversicollis sp.n. (Samsun), Atheta (Parameotica) soganlica sp.n. (Trabzon), Borboropora myrmecophila sp.n. (Antalya), Gabrius pravus sp.n. (Samsun), Gyrophaena ciliciana sp.n. (Adana), G. cultellata sp.n. (Samsun), G. spoliata sp.n. (Samsun), Ochthephilum hamatum sp.n. (Muğla), Oxypoda meybohmi sp.n. (Kahramanmaraş), O. miricornis (Kahramanmaraş), Stenus (Hemistenus) abstrusus sp.n. (Gümüşhane, Giresun, Trabzon), and S. (H.) abrasus sp.n. (Rize). The sexual characters of several additional species are illustrated. Aleochara caloderoides ASSING, 2007 is attributed to the subgenus Ceranota STEPHENS, 1839. The preoccupied name Atheta akiensis ASSING, 2006 is replaced with Atheta albomontis nom.n. A lectotype is designated for Lathrobium decipiens CZWALINA, 1888, a preoccupied senior synonym of Tetartopeus czwalinai (JAKOBSON, 1909); its habitus and aedeagus are illustrated. A total of 39 species are recorded from Turkey for the first time, one of them, also for Morocco, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, and various European countries. Numerous new province records are reported. The distributions of five species are mapped.
  • JAŁOSZNYSKI, P.: Nanoscydmus gen.n. from China and Nepal (Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae), p. 173, p.
    Nanoscydmus gen.n. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae: Cyrtoscydmini) is described and based on two new species: N. baoshanus from China (type species), and N. nepalensis from Nepal. Important characters, including the aedeagi, are illustrated, and an identification key for the Palearctic genera of Cyrtoscydmini is provided.
  • FIKÁČEK, M.: Taxonomic revision of the New World species of the genus Oosternum Sharp III. A new species of the O. aequinoctiale species group from Costa Rica (Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae), p. 179, p.
    Oosternum cicatricosum sp.n. (Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae: Megasternini) is described from Costa Rica (Puntarenas Province). The species belongs to the O. aequinoctiale species group and is very similar to O. acutheca FIKÁČEK, HEBAUER & HANSEN, 2009 and O. attenuatum FIKÁČEK, HEBAUER & HANSEN, 2009. Drawings and SEM photographs of diagnostic characters of the species are provided. Additional characters omitted in previous studies are explained and discussed.
  • SHORT NOTE: Availability of electronic publications, p. 188, p.
  • SHORT, A. E. Z.: Description of Micramphiops gen.n. from Madagascar (Hydrophilidae), p. 189, p.
    Micramphiops newtoni, a new genus and species of Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera), is described from Madagascar and assigned to the tribe Chaetarthriini. The type series was collected from sifting leaf litter, suggesting the species may be at least temporally terrestrial.
  • SHORT NOTE, p. 196, p.
  • KOMAREK, A.: Taxonomic revision of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 V. New Guinea (Hydrophilidae), p. 197, p.
    The species of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from New Guinea are revised. All species described by GENTILI (1993, 1996, 2002) under Paranacaena BLACKBURN, 1888 are formally transferred to Anacaena. Because of homonymy, the name Anacaena maculata GENTILI, 2002 is replaced by Anacaena gentilii nom.n. Five new species are described: Anacaena aiyura, A. brevis, A. bunduna, A. minja, and A. occulta. The following new synonymies are established: Omniops PERKINS & SHORT, 2004 = Anacaena THOMSON, 1859, Anacaena bacchusi (GENTILI, 2002) = Anacaena gilva (GENTILI, 1996), Anacaena hanseni (PERKINS & SHORT, 2004) = Anacaena lineata (GENTILI, 1996), Anacaena spurca (GENTILI, 2002) and Anacaena tetrops (GENTILI, 2002) = Anacaena obscura (GENTILI, 1996), Anacaena plana (GENTILI, 2002) and Anacaena fasciata (PERKINS & SHORT, 2004) = Anacaena praetexta (GENTILI, 1996). Possible relationships of Anacaena of New Guinea are discussed. For practical reasons the species are subdivided into two clusters. Ten of the 27 species are assigned to four groups of which three are possibly monophyletic.
  • KRIKKEN, J. & HUIJBREGTS, J.: A new Haroldius BOUCOMONT and a new Tesserodon HOPE from the Moluccas (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), p. 257, p.
    Haroldius brendelli sp.n. and Tesserodon seramicum sp.n. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), both from Seram (Indonesia), are described. Their joint occurrence on Seram illustrates the biogeo- graphically composite nature of the Moluccan fauna: Haroldius BOUCOMONT, 1914 is an Oriental- Afrotropical, Tesserodon HOPE, 1837 an Australian genus.
  • SCHAWALLER, W.:Three new species of Laena LATREILLE from Upper Burma (Myanmar) (Tenebrionidae), p. 267, p.
    Three new species of Laena LATREILLE, 1829 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Lagriinae) from Upper Burma (Myanmar) are described (L. kachinorum, L. putaoica, L. reuteri). These species were collect- ed syntopically in a subalpine mature Abies-Rhododendron-forest in an altitude of 3500 m. An identi- fication key for all five species of Laena known from Burma is compiled, the localities are mapped.
  • SKALICKY, S: New species and new records of Heteroceridae from Peru (Heteroceridae), p. 273, p.
    The family Heteroceridae is recorded from Peru for the first time. Tropicus maxwelli sp.n. and T. westerduijni sp.n. are described and illustrated. Tropicus bartolozzii MASCAGNI, 1994, T. trifidus SKALICKY, 2007 and Heterocerus steineri SKALICKY, 2006 are reported from Peru for the first time.
  • Buchbesprechung: HARTMANN, M. & WEIPERT, J. (Hrsg.) 2009: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya III, p. 278, p.
    Erfurt: Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e.V., 477 pp., XX Farbtafeln. Preis: € 89 (exkl. Versandkosten)
  • SCHMID, H.: Ein neuer Bockkäfer aus Peru (Cerambycidae), p. 279, p.
    A new species of the genus Neoclytus THOMSON, N. peruvianus sp.n., is described from Peru (Junin Province). It is closely related to N. amazonicus FUCHS, but can be distinguished by the different design and the orange-red antenna and tarsus.
  • RHEINHEIMER, J.: Cryptorhynchinae aus Französisch Guayana (Curculionidae), p. 281, p.
    A new genus and two new species of Cryptorhynchinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Nasothorax apicefasciatus gen.n., sp.n. and Semnorhynchus cayennensis sp.n. are described from French Guiana. A key for the identification of the genera of Cryptorhynchinae of this country is presented for the first time. Metriophilus micans FIEDLER, 1948 is recorded from French Guiana for the first time
  • F.W. PELSUE, F. W. Jr.: Five new species of the genus Indocurculio PAJNI et al., and three new combinations (Curculionidae: Curculioninae), p. 295, p.
    The genus Indocurculio PAJNI, SINGH & GANDHI is a ditypic genus originally described from India. In this treatise five new species are described: I. jaegeri sp.n. [Philippines], I. klassi sp.n., [Indonesia, Borneo], I. limbourgi sp.n. [Papua New Guinea], I. nami sp.n. [Vietnam], and I. schoedli sp.n. [Indonesia, Sulawesi]. Three new combinations are presented: I. minusculus (HELLER) comb.n., I. nigromarginalis (HELLER) comb.n., and I. wolterecki (HELLER) comb.n., all transferred from Balaninus GERMAR. A key to the species of Indocurculio of the world is presented.
  • COLONNELLI, E.: New weevil species from the Philippines (Curculionidae), p. 305, p.
    Five new species of Curculionidae are described from the Philippines: Augustinus disiunctus (Crypto- rhynchinae), Hyotanzo scaber (Ceutorhynchinae), Tivicis parvidens, T. proximus and T. stellifer (Cyclominae). A key to the species of the genus Tivicis MORIMOTO is included. The three above genera were thus far unknown from the Philippines.
  • PETROV, A. V. & MANDELSHTAM, M. Y.: New data on ambrosia-beetles of the genus Sampsonius EGGERS, 1935 with descriptions of two new species from Peru (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), p. 313, p.
    Two new species of Sampsonius EGGERS, 1935 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are described from Peru, namely S. kuaizi, and S. sagittarius. New records of Sampsonius species in Loreto, Huánuco and Junín Provinces of Peru are given and the biology of the ambrosia beetles in the genus is discussed.
  • Buchbesprechung: JOLIVET, P., SANTIAGO-BLAY, J.A. & SCHMITT, M. (Hrsg.) 2008: Research on Chryso- melidae, Vol. 1, p. 320, p.
    Leiden und Boston: Koninklijke Brill NV, 430 pp. Preis: € 169 (US $ 270). Hardcover; Format: 24 × 16 cm.
  • SCHUH, R., LINK, A. & HOLZER, E.: Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Österreich (XVI), p. 321, p.
    Faunistic data of 12 rare or little known species of Coleoptera from Austria are provided. One species of Leiodidae (Platypsyllus castoris RITSEMA), one species of Throscidae (Trixagus leseigneuri MUONA), one species of Anobiidae (Pseudoptilinus fissicollis (REITTER)), one species of Brentidae (Pseudapion fulvirostre (GYLLENHAL)) and two species of Curculionidae (Otiorhynchus rotundus MARSEUL, Sternochetus frigidus (F.)) are recorded from Austria for the first time. New provincial records: Trixagus meybohmi LESEIGNEUR (Throscidae): Lower Austria, Burgenland; Clypastraea reitteri BOWESTEAD (Corylophidae): Burgenland; Lyctus cavicollis LECONTE (Bostrichidae): Vienna; and Otiorhynchus dieckmanni MAGNANO (Curculionidae): Lower Austria, Burgenland. The rediscovery of Potamophilus acuminatus FABRICIUS (Elmidae) in Lower Austria is reported.
  • In memorian Harley P. Brown, p. 327, p.