Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 75


  • R. SCIAKY & S. FACCHINI 2005: Revision of the Chinese Broscosoma ROSENHAUER, 1846,with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Broscinae). p. 1, p.
    Two new species of the genus Broscosoma ROSENHAUER, 1846 are described from China: B. stefani sp.n. (Sichuan) and B. farkaci sp.n. (Tibet). A key is provided to include all Chinese species of Broscosoma and the habitus and male genitalia of the new taxa and related species are illustrated.
  • L. TOLEDANO 2005: Bembidion (Pseudosinocys) schoedli subgen.n. sp.n. from Hubei, China (Coleoptera: Carabidae). p. 13, p.
    Bembidion schoedli sp.n. (type area: Dashennongjia Mountains, western Hubei Province, China) is here described. It is the type species of Pseudosinocys subgen.n.
  • E. KIRSCHENHOFER 2005: Die philippinischen Arten der Gattung Lesticus DEJEAN (Coleoptera: Carabidae). p. 17, p.
    Lesticus stefanschoedli sp.n. from the Philippines is described. Lesticus philippinicus KUNTZEN, 1911 stat.n. is regarded as a species propria, not as a subspecies of L. insignis GESTRO, 1883. Lectotypes are designated for L. (s.str.) busuangae HELLER, 1923, L. (Triplogenius) cupreatus HELLER, 1923, L. (Triplogenius) gregori KUNTZEN, 1911 and L. (Triplogenius) philippinicus KUNTZEN, 1911. A key for identification of the species from the Philippines is presented.
  • MITTEILUNG – SHORT NOTE: Europas Fauna im Web (www.faunaeur.org) / European fauna on the web (www.faunaeur.org)., p.
  • K. WERNER 2005: Rediscovery of Euryarthron bouvieri (BABAULT, 1921) in Kenya and description of the male (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). p. 25, p.
    The rediscovery of Euryarthron bouvieri (BABAULT, 1921) in Kenya is reported and the hitherto unknown male is described, figured, and pictured.
  • H. FERY, L. SADEGHI & S.O. HOSSEINIE 2005: Hygrotus curvilobus sp.n. and H. stefanschoedli sp.n. from Iran, and re-instatement of H. orthogrammus (SHARP, 1882) as valid species (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). p. 29, p.
    Hygrotus (Coelambus) curvilobus sp.n. and Hygrotus (Coelambus) stefanschoedli sp.n. are described from Iran. Hygrotus (Coelambus) orthogrammus (SHARP, 1882) from the Persian Gulf region is reinstated as valid species. The closely related eastern Mediterranean Hygrotus (Coelambus) lernaeus (SCHAUM, 1857) is included in the studies. The male and female genitalia of all four species are figured, and the key to Palearctic Hygrotus in FERY (2003) is modified to reflect the two new and the one re-instated species.
  • G. WEWALKA, M. BALKE, J. HÁJEK & L. HENDRICH 2005: Two new species of Anginopachria WEWALKA, BALKE & HENDRICH from Malaysia and Thailand (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). p. 45, p.
    Recent collections revealed two new species of Anginopachria WEWALKA, BALKE & HENDRICH, 2001, similar to A. ullrichi (BALKE & HENDRICH, 1999). They are described as A. prudeki sp.n. from Thailand and A. schoedli sp.n. from Malaysia, rising the number of known Anginopachria species to three.
  • Buchbesprechung:, p.
    NILSSON, A.N. & VONDEL, B.J. van 2005: Amphizoidae, Aspidytidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Paelobiidae (Coleoptera, Adephaga). – In: World Catalogue of Insects, vol. 7. – Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 171 pp.
  • M.A. JÄCH & J.A. DÍAZ 2005: Revision of the Chinese species of Hydraena KUGELANN I. Descriptions of 15 new species of Hydraena s.str. from southeast China (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae). p. 53, p.
    Fifteen new species of Hydraena s.str. are described: Hydraena (s.str.) aliciae, H. (s.str.) christoferi, H. (s.str.) draconisaurati, H. (s.str.) guangxiensis, H. (s.str.) guilin, H. (s.str.) hansreuteri, H. (s.str.) huangshanensis, H. (s.str.) huitongensis, H. (s.str.) jilanzhui, H. (s.str.) lehmanni, H. (s.str.) martinschoepfi, H. (s.str.) philippi, H. (s.str.) stefani, H. (s.str.) undevigintioctogintasisyphos, H. (s.str.) wangmiaoi. The family Hydraenidae is recorded for the first time from Anhui and Hongkong.
  • M.A. JÄCH, J.A. DÍAZ & M. MARTINOY 2005: New and little known Palearctic species of the genus Hydraena KUGELANN VIII (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae). p. 105, p.
    A new species of Hydraena KUGELANN, H. gavarrensis, is described from the Catalan province of Girona (sometimes spelled as Gerona) in northeastern Spain. The new species is characterized by the densely setose aedeagal apex. It is probably endemic to the Gavarres Mountains.
  • V. ASSING 2005: On the western Palaearctic species of Drusilla LEACH, with special reference to the species of the eastern Mediterranean (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). p. 111, p.
    Material of Drusilla LEACH, 1819 especially from the eastern Mediterranean and adjacent regions is revised. 14 species are (re-)described and illustrated: D. erichsoni (PEYRON) (southeastern France), D. meridiana (FAUVEL) (Greece: Pelopónnisos), D. taygetana sp.n. (Greece: Pelopónnisos), D. cretica sp.n. (Greece: Crete), D. gracilis (HOCHHUTH) (Azerbaijan, Iran), D. endorica (SAULCY) (Israel), D. pallidicornis sp.n. (Turkey: Antakya), D. denigrata sp.n. (Turkey: Antakya; Syria), D. cernens sp.n. (Turkey: Antakya), D. limata sp.n. (Turkey: Antalya), D. sinuosa sp.n. (Turkey: Gaziantep, Adana, Kahramanmara , Mardin), D. recta sp.n. (Turkey: Mersin, Antalya, Konya), D. besucheti sp.n. (Lebanon), and D. persica sp.n. (NE-Iran). Drusilla endorica (SAULCY) is revalidated and two synonymies are established: D. canaliculata (FABRICIUS, 1787) = D. caucasica (BERNHAUER, 1903), syn.n.; D. memnonia (MÄRKEL, 1845) = D. tristis (LUCAS, 1846), syn.n. A lectotype is designated for D. meridiana and a neotype is designated for D. endorica. Drusilla canaliculata is recorded from Iran and Kazakhstan for the first time. The distributions of eleven species are mapped. A key to species and a catalogue are provided for the Drusilla species of the western Palaearctic Region.
  • Buchbesprechung:, p.
    HOFRICHTER, R. 2000: Naturführer Seychellen. Juwelen im Indischen Ozean. – Steinfurt: Tecklenborg Verlag, 256 pp. Hardcover.
  • U. IRMLER 2005: New species of the genus Tannea BLACKWELDER, 1952 from Central and South America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). p. 151, p.
    Fifteen new species of the genus Tannea BLACKWELDER, 1952 are described from Central and South America: T. andersonii, T. brightii, T. campbellii, T. ecuadoriensis, T. fortunata, T. laticeps, T. schoedli, T. leticiae, T. longula, T. magna, T. mexicana, T. punctinota, T. punctipennis, T. reflecta, and T. reticulata. Important morphological and anatomical details are illustrated.
  • U. IRMLER 2005: A new genus and species of the subfamily Osoriinae from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). p. 173, p.
    A remarkable species representing a new genus due to the setation and an extraordinary hook-like structure on the 5th abdominal segment was found in collections originating from Ecuador. The new genus and species Lispinuncus pulcher belongs to the subtribe Lispinina of the rove beetle subfamily Osoriinae. The systematic position of the new genus is shortly discussed. Important morphological and anatomical details are illustrated.
  • H. SCHILLHAMMER 2005: Faunistic data of Asian Philonthina and descriptions of a new genus and five new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). p. 179, p.
    The paper presents new taxa and records of Asian Philonthina (Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Five new species and one new genus (Shaverdolena gen.n.) are described: Hesperus susannekontrusae (Myanmar), H. schoedli (Nepal), Actinomorphus maruyamai (W-Malaysia), Shaverdolena leigongshana (China), S. kantonensis (China). The habitus and the male genitalia of all new species are illustrated.
  • A.E.Z. SHORT 2005: A review of the subtribe Acidocerina of Central America with special reference to Costa Rica (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). p. 191, p.
    The Central American members of the subtribe Acidocerina (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Hydrophilini) are reviewed, with an emphasis on the Costa Rican fauna. Six genera are recorded: Quadriops HANSEN, Cymbiodyta BEDEL, Enochrus THOMSON, Helochares MULSANT, Chasmogenus SHARP, and Helobata BERGROTH. Thirty-three species are recorded, including 11 described here as new: Chasmogenus barrae sp.n. (Costa Rica), C. lorenzo sp.n. (Costa Rica), C. ruidus sp.n. (Costa Rica), C. schoedli sp.n. (Costa Rica), E. (Methydrus) metacarina sp.n. (Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua), Enochrus (M.) rivalis sp.n. (Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua), E. (M.) shepardi sp.n. (Costa Rica), E. (M.) torito sp.n. (Costa Rica), E. (M.) toro sp.n. (Costa Rica), E. (M.) costaricensis sp.n. (Costa Rica), and Helochares (s.str.) carmona sp.n. (Costa Rica). Lectotypes are designated for Helochares championi SHARP, 1882, Sindolus optatus SHARP, 1882 (= Helochares optatus) and Philydrus debilis SHARP, 1882 (= Enochrus debilis). A key to the genera and species of Acidocerina of Central America is provided and habitat preferences discussed. The male genitalia for all new and some previously described species are illustrated.
  • H. NASSERZADEH, S. HOSSEINIE & M. MONSEFI 2005: Morphology of the reproductive systems of the Iranian species of Hydrochara BERTHOLD (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). p. 227, p.
    Male and female reproductive systems as well as the shape of sperm and microscopic structure of testicles of Hydrochara BERTHOLD (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae), H. dichroma (FAIRMAIRE) and H. flavipes (STEVEN) from Iran, are described and illustrated.
  • H. NASSERZADEH & S. HOSSEINIE 2005: First records of Hydrobius fuscipes (LINNAEUS) and Limnoxenus niger (ZSCHACH) in Iran (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). p. 247, p.
    Hydrobius fuscipes (LINNAEUS, 1758) and Limnoxenus niger (GMELIN, 1790) (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) are recorded from Iran for the first time. Line drawings of diagnostic characters and a distributional map for both species are presented.
  • A. KOMAREK 2005: Taxonomic revision of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 II. Neotropical species (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). p. 253, p.
    The Neotropical species of Anacaena THOMSON, 1859 are revised. Anacaena signaticollis FALL, 1924 is reported for the first time from the northern area of the Neotropical Region. All hitherto known species, including A. signaticollis are redescribed. Two new species, Anacaena hirsuta sp.n. and A. schoedli sp.n., are described. Twelve species are synomymized: A. attenuata (d'ORCHYMONT, 1921), A. cordobana KNISCH, 1924, A. debilis (SHARP, 1882), A. moreirai d'ORCHYMONT, 1921, A. morosa d'ORCHYMONT, 1942, A. morula d'ORCHYMONT, 1942, A. pescheti d'ORCHYMONT, 1921, A. peta d'ORCHYMONT, 1942, and A. sternalis LEECH, 1948 with A. suturalis (LECONTE, 1866); A. bireducta d'ORCHYMONT, 1942 with A. parvula SHARP, 1882; and A. perplexa d'ORCHYMONT, 1942 and A. perspicua d'ORCHYMONT, 1942 with A. solstitialis KIRSCH, 1873. Five species, A. attenuata, A. hirsuta, A. schoedli, A. solstitialis, and A. suturalis are united under the name "suturalis-group". Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for A. debilis and A. suturalis. A key to the species of the Neotropical Region is presented.
  • A. KOMAREK 2005: Enigmata foveata, a new species from Madagascar (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea). p. 303, p.
    A new hydrophilid species, Enigmata foveata, is decribed from Madagascar, and its relationship to Enigmata brunnea HANSEN, 1999 is discussed.
  • D. AHRENS & P. PACHOLÁTKO 2005: Zwei neue Arten aus der Gruppe der Amiserica insperata (BRENSKE, 1898) aus dem nordöstlichen Indien und Myanmar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Sericini). p. 311, p.
    Two new species of the Amiserica insperata (BRENSKE) species group are described from Asia: Amiserica similissima sp.n. (Meghalaya, India) and A. schoedli sp.n. (Myanmar). The male genitalia are figured. Further distribution records and a modified key to the species are given.
  • C.J.WILSON & R.B. ANGUS 2005: A chromosomal analysis of four European species of Aphodius ILLIGER, subgenera Colobopterus MULSANT, Coprimorphus MULSANT, Otophorus MULSANT and Teuchestes MULSANT (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae). p. 319, p.
    The karyotypes of Aphodius (Colobopterus) erraticus (L.), A. (Coprimorphus) scrutator (HERBST), A. (Otophorus) haemorrhoidalis (L.) and A. (Teuchestes) fossor (L.) are described and illustrated. All four species have nine pairs of autosomes and sex chromosomes which are Xy (male) and XX (female). The karyotypes of all four species are distinctive, but the sequence of relative chromosome lengths is strikingly similar in A. erraticus and A. scrutator.
  • J.F. MATÉ & R.B. ANGUS 2005: Description of a new species of Aphodius ILLIGER from the Iberian Peninsula and comments regarding the biogeography and ecology of the subgenus Liothorax MOTSCHULSKY (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae). p. 325, p.
    A new species belonging to the genus Aphodius ILLIGER (subgenus Liothorax MOTSCHULSKY), A. wilsonae n.sp., is described from the Iberian Peninsula. The new species is diagnosed using both morphological characters and karyological and genetic evidence. In order to facilitate identification a revised key for the western Palaearctic Liothorax is provided. The ecology and biogeography of the group is discussed based on data accumulated by the authors from wild populations and collections.
  • L. BARTOLOZZI & C. MONTE 2005: Review of Figulus sublaevis (PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, 1805) and F. anthracinus KLUG, 1833 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). p. 337, p.
    Two African species of the genus Figulus Macleay, 1819 are reviewed. Figulus sublaevis (PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, 1805) is redescribed, and compared with the closely allied F. anthracinus KLUG, 1833, from which it differs in external morphology and genitalic structures. Figulus anthracinus from Madagascar, hitherto regarded as a synonym of F. sublaevis, is resurrected as valid species (stat.res.) and its lectotype is designated. Lectotypes are also designated for F. nossibenus KRIESCHE, 1921, F. monilifer PARRY, 1862, and F. sublaevis (PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, 1805).
  • S. SKALICKY 2005: New and little known species of Heteroceridae from Java (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae). p. 349, p.
    Based on alleged lectotypes and on material identified by R. Charpentier the author discusses the identity (species concepts) of the three Javanese Heteroceridae described by GROUVELLE (1896): Heterocerus javanicus, H. parvulus, and H. quinquemaculatus. Heterocerus quinquemaculatus GROUVELLE, 1896 is redescribed and formally transferred to the genus Augyles. Heterocerus javanicus and H. parvulus are believed to be synonyms of H. philippensis GROUVELLE, 1896. Augyles stevei sp.n., A. stefani sp.n., A. isabelae sp.n., and A. rarus sp.n., all from Java, are described. Heterocerus virgatus MAMITZA, 1933 and A. gabriellae (MASCAGNI, 1993) are reported from Java for the first time.
  • G. FUSS, E. GEISER & R. PATZNER 2005: On the host plants of several leaf beetles of Central Europe – the problem of fame and evidence (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). p. 359, p.
    The host plants of chrysomelids are mentioned in many identification keys and faunal lists, but their records are often incomplete or incorrect. To find out the definite host plant of a definite species in a definite area, feeding choice experiments have been carried out with 14 Chrysomelidae species from a prospective nature reserve in Upper Austria. The results were then compared with the records in the main literature. The corresponding and contradictory conclusions are discussed. Combining the results of the feeding choice experiments with the records of several books, it is possible to narrow down possible host plants of the investigated chrysomelids in most cases. It is proved that Prasocuris marginella does not feed on Caltha palustris in the investigated area. Neogalerucella tenella feeds on Polgynum bistorta, but on no other Polygonum species displayed in the experiment. Cassida leucanthemi, which was described only recently on Leucanthemum vulgare, feeds on the closely related Leucanthemum ircutianum, too, but not on other displayed Asteraceae.
  • F.W. PELSUE, Jr. 2005: Revision of the genus Labaninus MORIMOTO of the world Part II: the L. plicatulus (HELLER) group, with descriptions of four new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). p. 373, p.
    A key to the species of the Labaninus plicatulus group with one new combination and descriptions of four new species from China, India and Vietnam are presented. The following species are presented with short reviews: Labaninus fukienensis (VOSS), L. insulanus (HELLER) comb.n., L. kimotoi (MORIMOTO), and L. plicatulus (HELLER). Curculio insulanus (HELLER) is transferred to Labaninus. Type specimens are deposited in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii; Chinese Academy of Science, Zoological Institute, Beijing, China; Natural History Museum, Basel, Switzerland; United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • J. RHEINHEIMER 2005: Neue Arten der Gattungen Derelomus SCHÖNHERR und Leptopius OKE (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). p. 383, p.
    A new species of Derelomus SCHÖNHERR, a widely distributed genus associated with palms (Arecaceae), is described from Saudi Arabia: Derelomus schoedli sp.n. Leptopius obsidianus sp.n. is described from Australia (Queensland).
  • In memoriam Stefan Schödl (1957–2005), p.
  • Witold Włodzimierz Więźlak (1955 - 1989). Zum Gedenken an den 15. Todestag eines Multitalents., p.
  • In memoriam Vladimir Gdalich Dolin (1932 – 2004)., p.
  • Buchbesprechung:, p.
    LÖBL, I. & SMETANA, A. (Hrsg.) 2004: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 2. - Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 942 pp.