Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 73


  • BEUTEL, R.G. & RAFFAINI, G.B.: 2003: First record of Sphaeriusidae for Argentina (Sphaeriusidae). p 1, p.
    The genus Sphaerius WALTL (Coleoptera: Sphaeriusidae) is recorded for the first time for Argentina and for the southern part of South America. It is likely that the two available specimens belong to a new species.
  • FACCHINI, S. & SCIAKY, R.: 2003: Five new species of Pterostichinae from Hubei (China) (Carabidae). p 7, p.
    Five new species of Pterostichinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Chinese province of Hubei are here described. Four of them belong to the genus Pterostichus BONELLI, 1810: P. (Morphohaptoderus) dentellus sp.n., P. (M.) shennongjianus sp.n., P. (M.) toledanoi sp.n., P. (M.) hubeicus sp.n.; one belongs to the genus Trigonognatha MOTSCHULSKY 1857: T. hubeica sp.n.
  • FACCHINI, S. 2003: Notes on Axinotoma, with descriptions of two new species from Africa (Carabidae). p 19, p.
    Two new species of Axinotoma DEJEAN, 1829 (Coleoptera: Carabidea), A. tanzaniana sp.n. and A. pseudofallax sp.n., from eastern Africa are described and the habitus and male genitalia of the new taxa and related species are illustrated. A map with the distribution and a key to the known species of Axinotoma is provided.
  • SHAVERDO, H.V. 2003: Adephagous water beetles of Armenia (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae). p 31, p.
    Forty species of Dytiscidae, three species of Haliplidae, and one species of Noteridae were collected from 54 sampling stations in Armenia during an excursion from the end of April to beginning of June, 2001. Fourteen species of Dytiscidae and two species of Haliplidae are recorded from Armenia for the first time. In accordance with the present study and literature data the list of Armenian aquatic Adephaga contains 65 species of Dytiscidae, seven species of Gyrinidae, five species of Haliplidae, and one species of Noteridae.
  • HENDRICH, L. 2003: Austrodytes plateni sp.n., and a faunal analysis of the Hydradephaga of the Pilbara region, Western Australia (Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae). p 43, p.
    Austrodytes plateni sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), the second species of the genus, is described from the Pilbara in Western Australia. The habitat and its water beetle coenosis are described in detail. Additional distributional and ecological notes for all Hydradephaga of the Pilbara region are given. In the present study a total of 33 species were collected. They belong to the following families (species numbers in parantheses): Haliplidae (1), Gyrinidae (3) and Dytiscidae (29). The fauna is dominated by Torresian faunal elements. Thirteen species (39 % of the total fauna recorded in the Pilbara) are mainly distributed in the tropical parts of north-western and northern Australia. Four of the five endemic species appear to be restricted to permanent springs, streams and rock pools in hilly regions and deep gorges.
  • TOLEDO, M. & HOSSEINIE, S. 2003: A new species of Metaporus from southern Iran (Dytiscidae). p. 59, p.
    Metaporus orientalis sp.n. (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) from southern Iran is the second species of a genus, originally believed to be restricted to the western Mediterranean. The two species are separated by a wide geographical area, and this discovery poses interesting questions on the biogeography and evolutionary history of Metaporus. The new species is described here and compared with M. meridionalis (AUBÉ). Illustrations of habitus and male characters are given for both taxa.
  • NILSSON, A.N. 2003: World Catalogue of Dytiscidae - corrections and additions, 1 (Dytiscidae). p. 65, p.
    A series of corrections and additions are given to the World Catalogue of Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) recently published as Volume 3 of the World Catalogue of Insect Series (NILSSON 2001). A type species is selected of Badynectus SEIDLITZ, 1872. The preoccupied name Hydroporus trimaculatus THÉOBALD, 1937, is replaced with Hydroporus theobaldi nomen novum. The number of recent species of the family Dytiscidae is now 3810.
  • ASSING, A. 2003: The Turkish species of Leptusa in the Schubert collection (Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien) (Staphylinidae). p. 75, p.
    Turkish material of Leptusa KRAATZ (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the Schubert collection (Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien) is examined. 14 species and subspecies are reported, among them several taxa which had not been recorded again since their original descriptions, as well as the first records of L. pulchella (MANNERHEIM) and L. batumiensis batumiensis PACE from Turkey; the number of Leptusa species and subspecies known from Turkey is thus raised to 22. Two species are described and illustrated: Leptusa (Neopisalia) sica sp.n. and L. (Stictopisalia) fibula sp.n. The distributions of L. venusta (HOCHHUTH), L. asiatica BERNHAUER, L. merkli BERNHAUER, L. ionopolitana PACE, L. batumiensis PACE, L. fibula sp.n., and L. fuliginosa (AUBÉ) are mapped.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H., GUSAROV, V.I. & UHLIG, M. 2003: Philonthus moldavicus, a new synonym of P. intermedius (Staphylinidae). p. 83, p.
    After examination of the holotype of Philonthus moldavicus WENDELER, 1924, this name is placed in synonymy with P. intermedius (LACORDAIRE, 1835). The species belongs to the monophyletic rotundicollis species group which is briefly discussed.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H. 2003: Revision of the East Palaearctic and Oriental species of Philonthus - Part 5. The rotundicollis and sanguinolentus species groups (Staphylinidae). p. 85, p.
    The Philonthus rotundicollis and sanguinolentus species groups are subject of part 5 of the Revision of the East Palaearctic and Oriental species of Philonthus STEPHENS, 1829. Nine new species are described: P. turnai (China), P. schuhi (India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia), P. smetanai (Taiwan), P. flavohumeralis (Nepal, India), P. arunensis (Nepal), P. schuelkei (China), P. amplicollis (Nepal), P. ildefonso (China) and P. fasciventris (China). Philonthus picimanus (MÉNÉTRIÉS, 1832) and P. sinuatocollis MOTSCHULSKY, 1860 are removed from synonymy with P. rotundicollis (MÉNÉTRIÉS, 1832). Neotypes are designated for P. rotundicollis and P. sinuatocollis; lectotypes are designated for P. idiocerus KRAATZ, 1859, P. densus CAMERON, 1926, P. beesoni CAMERON, 1926 and P. virgatus SHARP, 1889. Philonthus rotundicollis ssp. nigropolitus BERNHAUER, 1916 and P. rotundicollis ssp. inopinatus SMETANA, 1963 are placed in synonymy with the nominate subspecies, P. formaneki ROUBAL, 1911 and P. formaneki var. incompletus ROUBAL, 1911 are placed in synonymy with P. picimanus. The species groups are briefly characterized and keys to species of both groups are provided. The male genitalia of all species and morphological details of most species are illustrated.
  • HLAVÁC, P. 2003: A new species of Myrmechusa, and catalogue of the species of the Myrmechusa group (Staphylinidae). p. 137, p.
    A new species of Myrmechusa WASMANN (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae), M. selindensis sp.n., is described from eastern Zimbabwe. A key to the species of the M. feae group, in which the new species is placed, and an annotated catalogue of the Myrmechusa group (Gapia BLACKWELDER, Myrmechusa WASMANN, Myrmechusina CAMERON, and Trichodonia WASMANN) with their host ants and distribution are provided. Keys to the genera of the group and the species of Myrmechusina, based on the original descriptions, are given. The taxonomic situation of Anomma SHUCKARD, a subgenus of the ant genus Dorylus F., is discussed briefly.
  • HEBAUER, F. 2003: Redescription of Cercyon hungaricus and C. grandis (Hydrophilidae). p. 147, p.
    Cercyon hungaricus ENDRÖDY-YOUNGA, 1967 and C. grandis CASTELNAU, 1840 (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) are redescribed and illustrated. Cercyon hungaricus is recognised as a member of the European C. tristis-granarius group. Cercyon grandis is known from Madagascar and represents the type species of the subgenus Clinocercyon d'ORCHYMONT, 1942.
  • KOMAREK, A. 2003: Description of Ophthalmocyclus gen.n. from South India (Hydrophilidae). p. 153, p.
    Ophthalmocyclus gen.n. from South India, comprising one species, O. mazzoldii sp.n., is described and assigned to the Oocyclus genus group within the subfamily Hydrophilinae.
  • VORST, O. & CUPPEN, J.G.M. 2003: A third Palearctic species of Chaetarthria (Hydrophilidae). p. 161, p.
    Chaetarthria simillima sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) is described. It is very closely related to C. seminulum (HERBST) with which it has been confused until now. The new species is widely distributed in western Europe. The aedeagi of both species are figured. Lectotypes are designated for C. seminulum and C. seminulum ssp. sithonica HEBAUER. Chaetarthria seminulum ssp. sithonica HEBAUER, 1993 is synonymized with Chaetarthria seminulum seminulum.
  • AHRENS, D. 2003: Zur Identität der Gattung Neoserica, nebst Revision und Beschreibung neuer Arten (Scarabaeidae). p. 169, p.
    The species supposed to be closely related to the type species of Neoserica BRENSKE, 1894 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), N. ursina (BRENSKE, 1894), are revised. Lectotypes of N. ursina (BRENSKE, 1894), N. vulpina MOSER, 1908, and N. nigrosetosa MOSER, 1908 are designated. The following new combinations are established: N. unicolor (FREY) comb.n. and N. fukiensis (FREY) comb.n. Nineteen new species are described: N. bannapensis sp.n., N. fanjingshanica sp.n., N. flexiclava sp.n., N. grossepunctata sp.n., N. hirokazui sp.n., N. jinggangshanica sp.n., N. kalliesi sp.n., N. kuaichangensis sp.n., N. lucidifrons sp.n., N. parursina sp.n., N. phuphanensis sp.n., N. phuruaensis sp.n., N. pseudovulpina sp.n., N. sangangana sp.n., N. semipubescens sp.n., N. shibingensis sp.n., N. strbai sp.n., N. tamdaoensis sp.n., and N. vicina sp.n. A key for identification of the species studied and maps of distribution are provided.
  • WILSON, C.J. & ANGUS, R.B. 2003: A chromosomal analysis of three British species of Aphodius subg. Melinopterus (Aphodiidae). p. 227, p.
    The karyotypes of Aphodius consputus CREUTZER, A. prodromus (BRAHM) and A. sphacelatus (PANZER) (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae) are described and illustrated. All three species have nine pairs of autosomes plus sex chromosomes, which are Xy (male), XX (female). The karyotypes of the three species are very distinct from one another in the sizes and shapes of the chromosomes, and in their patterns of C-banding. Chromosome polymorphisms involving the presence or absence of B-chromosomes, variation in C-band size and/or the presence or absence of satellites are shown by all three species.
  • PÜTZ, A. 2003: Zur Kenntnis der Pillenkäferfauna von Taiwan (Byrrhidae). p. 237, p.
    The genus Simplocaria STEPHENS, 1829 (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae) is recorded from Taiwan for the first time. Eleven new species are described and illustrated: Simplocaria (s.str.) atayal sp.n., S. (s.str.) bunun sp.n., S. (s.str.) ivani sp.n., S. (s.str.) nenkaoshan sp.n., S. (s.str.) paiwan sp.n., S. (s.str.) rukai sp.n., S. (s.str.) saysiat sp.n., S. (s.str.) smetanai sp.n., S. (s.str.) taiwanica sp.n., S. (s.str.) taroko sp.n., and S. (s.str.) tsou sp.n. For Cytilus kanoi TAKIZAWA & NAKANE, 1977 new records are published. The aedeagus of Cytilus avunculus FAIRMAIRE, 1887 is illustrated. The diversity, distribution and colonisation of the byrrhid fauna of Taiwan are discussed.
  • JÄCH, M.A. 2003: Ancyronyx: new faunistic records, and description of a new species from Sulawesi (Indonesia) (Elmidae). p. 255, p.
    Ancyronyx hjarnei sp.n. (Coleoptera: Elmidae) is described from Sulawesi (Indonesia). New faunistic records are provided for Ancyronyx acaroides GROUVELLE (Myanmar, Vietnam, Java, Sabah, Brunei), A. malickyi JÄCH (Laos, Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah), A. procerus JÄCH (Vietnam, Brunei), and A. sarawacensis JÄCH (Sabah). A revised key to the species of Ancyronyx ERICHSON is presented.
  • JENG, M.-L. & JÄCH, M.A. 2003: Description of Heteropsephenoides gen.n., a new psephenoidine genus from Thailand (Psephenidae). p. 261, p.
    Heteropsephenoides gen.n. (Coleoptera: Psephenidae), and its type species, H. horaki sp.n., are described from Thailand. The genus shows affinities to Afropsephenoides BASILEWSKY and Micreubrianax PIC. A generic key to the adults of Psephenoidinae is provided.
  • HERNANDO, C. & RIBERA, I. 2003: Babalimnichus splendens sp.n., a new jumping shore beetle from the Tonga Islands (Polynesia) (Limnichidae). p. 269, p.
    A new species of the intertidal genus Babalimnichus SATÔ (Coleoptera: Limnichidae, Thaumastodinae), B. splendens, sp.n., is described from the Tonga Islands, in the Pacific Ocean. It is the first species of the genus in the Australian Region, and the first Limnichidae to be recorded from small islands in the Pacific. The other two existing species of the genus occur in the Ryukyu Islands (Japan), in the limit between the Oriental and Palaearctic Regions; and the island of Taiwan, in the Oriental Region. The new species is well characterised by the existence of spines on the three pairs of tarsi.
  • KLAUSNITZER, B. 2003: Eine neue Art aus der Gattung Elodes aus China (Scirtidae). p. 279, p.
    A new species of the genus Elodes LATREILLE, 1796 (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from China is described. It belongs to a group of species that is herewith termed the Elodes burmensis-group.
  • MASCAGNI, A. 2003: Descriptions of three new species, and updated checklists of the Heteroceridae of China and neighbouring countries (Heteroceridae). p. 285, p.
    The Heteroceridae of China and 14 neighbouring countries (Korea, Japan, Russian Far East, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India (Uttar Pradesh, and Assam), Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam) are listed. Two genera, Augyles SCHIÖDTE, 1866 (subgen. Littorimus GOZIS, 1885) and Heterocerus FABRICIUS, 1792 and 14 species are reported from China. Three new species, Augyles robustus and Heterocerus sichuanensis from China and Augyles hartmanni from Nepal, are described. Recorded for the first time are: Micilus minutissimus SAHLBERG, 1900 from Vietnam, Augyles intermedius (KIESENWETTER, 1843) from Kazakhstan, Augyles interspidulus (CHARPENTIER, 1979) from China, Augyles flavidus (ROSSI, 1794) from Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan, Augyles manfredjaechi (MASCAGNI, 1995) from Vietnam, Augyles obliteratus (KIESENWETTER, 1843) from Kazakhstan, Augyles pruinosus (KIESENWETTER, 1851) from Kazakhstan, Augyles pucholti SKALICKY, 2001 from Nepal, Augyles rejseki SKALICKÝ, 1999 from Laos, Heterocerus flexuosus STEPHENS, 1828 from Tajikistan, Heterocerus fossor KIESENWETTER, 1843 from Kazakhstan, Heterocerus fusculus fusculus KIESENWETTER, 1843 from Kazakhstan, Heterocerus lorenzevae MASCAGNI, 1993 from Pakistan and Vietnam, Heterocerus mus CHARPENTIER, 1965 from Kazakhstan and Pakistan, Heterocerus nepalensis MASCAGNI, 1993 from Pakistan, Heterocerus obsoletus CURTIS, 1828 from Kazakhstan, Heterocerus parallelus GEBLER, 1830 from Kazakhstan, Heterocerus philippensis ssp. thieleni MASCAGNI, 1993 from Nepal and Vietnam.
  • SKALICKY, S. 2003: Two new species of Augyles from India (Heteroceridae). p. 297, p.
    Augyles riedeli sp.n. and A. haldwaniensis sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae), both from India, are described, figured and compared with similar species.
  • COLONNELLI, E., OSELLA, G. & MEREGALLI, M. 2003: Bohemanius uroleucus, a weevil driven out after one century of absconding (Curculionidae). p. 301, p.
    Bohemanius uroleucus (BOHEMAN, 1845) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a weevil endemic to Sardinia, is rediscovered after about one century. The discovery of its host plant, Delphinium pictum WILLD. (Ranunculaceae), is reported. The genus is redescribed, and a literature survey is made. Comparison with other genera of the tribe Ceutorhynchini sharing with Bohemanius some of its unusual features leads to the recognition of the morphological isolation of Bohemanius among Ceutorhynchinae. The new synonymy: Phrydiuchus augusti COLONNELLI, nom.n. [= Ceuthorrhynchus speiseri SCHULTZE, 1897 not C. speiseri FRIVALDSZKY, 1894, syn.n.] is established.
  • RHEINHEIMER, J. 2003: Neue Arten der Gattung Systates von der arabischen Halbinsel (Curculionidae). p. 313, p.
    Four new species of Systates GERSTAECKER (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are described. A key for the identification of the species of Systates from the Arabian Peninsula is presented.
  • KAPP, A. & BRANDSTETTER, C.M. 2003: Interessante Käferfunde aus Vorarlberg (V) (Coleoptera). p. 321, p.
    16 little known or rarely collected species of Coleoptera are recorded from Vorarlberg. Neuraphes ruthenus MACHULKA and Epuraea ocularis (FAIRMAIRE) are recorded for the first time from Austria.