Koleopterologische Rundschau
Coleopterological Review

Vol. 71


  • WRASE, D.W. & AßMANN, Th.: Description of a new species of Anchomenidius from the Montes de León in north-west Spain (Carabidae), p.1, p.
    Description of Anchomenidius feldmanni sp.n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Montes de León (Sierra del Teleno) in north-west Spain. Differentiating characters from A. astur (SHARP, 1873) are given, illustrations of the habitus of the new species and of the male and female genitalia of both species are presented, and a description of the habitat and some biogeographical notes are included.
  • PAILL, W.: Bemerkenswerte Laufkäfer aus Südost-Österreich (II) (Carabidae), p.11, p.
    Faunistic data of 11 rare or little known carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from south-eastern Austria are provided. Trechus ochreatus DEJEAN, 1831, Bembidion assimile GYLLENHAL, 1810 and Demetrias monostigma SAMOUELLE, 1819 are recorded for the first time from Carinthia. Harpalus subcylindricus DEJEAN, 1829, Pterostichus leonisi APFELBECK, 1904, Chlaenius festivus (PANZER, 1796) and Badister unipustulatus BONELLI, 1813 are recorded for the first time from Styria.
  • HENDRICH, L. & M. BALKE: Taxonomische Revision der südostasiatischen Arten der Gattung Neptosternus Sharp, 1882 (Dytiscidae), p. 53, p.
    Hygrobia wattsi sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hygrobiidae) is described from south-west Western Australia. The species appears to be restricted to peatland swamps and lakes. It is the sixth species of the genus in the world, the fourth in Australia. The habitat and its water beetle coenosis are described in detail. Hygrobia wattsi sp.n. is presumably a true relict species and thought to be endangered by peatland swamp drainage and dramatic increases in salinity. Additional distributional notes for all Australian species are given. Hygrobia nigra (CLARK, 1862) is reported for the first time for northern Queensland.
  • NILSSON, A.N., LUNDMARK, M., KHOLIN, S.K. & MINAKAWA, K.: A faunistic review of the Gyrinus species of the Far East of Russia (Gyrinidae), p.27, p.
    Whirligig beetles of the genus Gyrinus (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae) occurring in the Far East of Russia are reviewed. The following new records are given: G. minutus FABRICIUS - Kamchatka; G. sachalinensis KAMIYA - Iurii, Tanfilyeva, Zelionyi, and Urup; G. opacus C.R. SAHLBERG - Onekotan and Shumshu; G. aeratus STEPHENS - Sakhalin and Kamchatka; and G. pullatus ZAITZEV - Sakhalin. Gyrinus reticulatus BRINCK, 1940, is synonymized with Gyrinus sachalinensis KAMIYA, 1936, syn.n. Material of this species from Sakhalin and the South Kurils has previously been misidentified as G. curtus MOTSCHULSKY. The taxonomic species concept of G. curtus is revised.
  • MAUS, Ch.: Redescription of Aleochara (Coprochara) signaticollis, an overlooked species (Staphylinidae), p.37, p.
    Aleochara (Coprochara) signaticollis FAIRMAIRE & GERMAIN, 1861 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), previously treated as a synonym of A. (C.) notula ERICHSON, 1839, is recognized as a distinct species and redescribed. A lectotype is designated for A. signaticollis, and types of A. notula and its synonyms are investigated. The genitalia of both species are illustrated, and distinguishing characters are given; the distribution of A. notula and A. signaticollis is recorded. The phylogenetic relationships of A. signaticollis are discussed.
  • ASSING, V.: A new species of Leptusa from the Italian Alps (Staphylinidae), p.49, p.
    Leptusa janbellini sp.n. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) is described from the Monte Pavione (Dolomiti Bellunesi, Veneto) in northern Italy. It is attributed to the subgenus Nanopisalia PACE and distinguished from related congeners. The primary and secondary sexual characters are figured.
  • SMETANA, A.: A new species of Deinopteroloma from China with comments on D. chiangi from Taiwan (Staphylinidae), p.53, p.
    Camioleum yasutoshii WATANABE, 1991 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae) is transferred to the genus Deinopteroloma JANSSON, 1946, where it becomes the junior synonym of D. chiangi SMETANA, 1990 (comb.n., syn.n.). A new species, Deinopteroloma gracile, is described and illustrated from specimens from China (Shaanxi). A key to the Chinese species of this genus is presented.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Revision of the East Palaearctic and Oriental species of Philonthus, part 4 (Staphylinidae), p.59, p.
    The Philonthus amplitarsis group (containg one species) and an additional species of the P. cinctulus group of the genus Philonthus STEPHENS (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae) are treated. The male genitalia and morphological details of both species are illustrated. A revised key to species of the P. cinctulus group is provided.
  • SCHILLHAMMER, H.: Studies on the Eucibdelus lineage: 1. Trichocosmetes, Sphaeromacrops gen.n., Guillaumius gen.n., and Rhyncocheilus (Staphylinidae), p.67, p.
    The paper provides a study on some smaller genera of the Eucibdelus lineage (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae). The genus Trichocosmetes KRAATZ, 1859 and two new genera (Sphaeromacrops gen.n., Guillaumius gen.n.) are treated, together comprising four described and eleven new species. New species: Trichocosmetes fascipennis (China), T. gigas (Myanmar), T. inexspectatus (China), T. kabakovi (Vietnam), T. minor (China), T. norae (Laos, China), T. vietnamensis (Vietnam), Sphaeromacrops gracilis (India), S. nepalensis (Nepal), S. strigosifrons (Thailand), Guillaumius rougemonti (Thailand), G. shibatai (Laos). New combinations: Trichocosmetes antennalis (CAMERON, 1932) and T. varicornis (COIFFAIT, 1977) are transferred to the genus Sphaeromacrops. In addition to that, a new species of Rhyncocheilus SHARP, 1889 is described from China: R. monstrosipes. The male genitalia of all species represented by males, as well as morphological details of some species, are illustrated. A key to species of Trichocosmetes is provided.
  • CASTRO, A. & HERRERA, A.: Hydraena (Hydraena) isabelae sp.n. from the Iberian Peninsula (Hydraenidae), p.97, p.
    Hydraena (Hydraena) isabelae sp.n. (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) is described from the Sierra Morena (Córdoba, southern Spain). It belongs to the "Phothydraena" lineage of Hydraena s.str., but it does not appear to be closely related to any of the remaining Iberian species of this lineage.
  • JÄCH, M.A.: Ochthebius s.str. in Indonesia and Australia (Hydraenidae), p.101, p.
    Ochthebius (s.str.) sumatrensis sp.n. is described. Ochthebius (s.str.) queenslandicus HANSEN is redescribed. The subgenus Ochthebius s.str. is recorded from Indonesia for the first time.
  • YOSHITOMI, H. & SATÔ, M.: Discovery of the genus Ochthebius from the Ryukyu Islands, with description of a new species (Hydraenidae), p.105, p.
    The genus Ochthebius LEACH (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae) is reported firstly from the Ryukyu Islands: O. nipponicus JÄCH [loc. typ.: Izu, Honshu, Japan] from Okinawa-hontô Island and Miyako-jima Island, and a new species, which is here described as O. amami sp.n., from Amami-Ôshima Island.
  • AHRENS, D.: Neue Arten der Microserica splendidula - Gruppe von West-Malaysia, Nias und Sumatra (Melolonthidae), p.111, p.
    Six new species of the Microserica splendidula (FABRICIUS, 1801) species group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Sericini) are described: Microserica martini (from Sumatra), M. zorni (from Malay Peninsula), M. kannegieteri, M. lugundriensis, M. poggii, M. raapi (all from Nias). Male genitalia of all species are illustrated.
  • DOLIN, W.G.: Zur Kenntnis der Quasimus-Arten Indiens (Elateridae), p.121, p.
    The species of the genus Quasimus GOZIS (Coleoptera: Elateridae) from India and neighbouring countries are revised. Thirteen new species are described and illustrated: Q. sausai, Q. indicus, Q. coolsi, Q. affinis, Q. inopinatus, Q. pacholatkoi, Q. ohirai, Q. besucheti, Q. dubius, Q. improvisus, Q. bengalicus, Q. holzschuhi, and Q. convexicollis. A key to the 32 species of India and neighouring areas is provided.
  • SKALICKY, S.: Faunistic notes on African Heteroceridae with description of Heterocerus ottomerkli sp.n. and redescription of H. dayremi (Heteroceridae), p.143, p.
    Heterocerus ottomerkli sp.n. (Coleoptera: Heteroceridae) from Tunisia is described and illustrated. A lectotype is designated for H. dayremi PEYERIMHOFF, 1921. Faunistic records on 12 species of Heteroceridae from various African countries are given. Heterocerus nodieri GROUVELLE, 1919 is recorded from Ghana for the first time, Augyles pallens (CHARPENTIER, 1965) is recorded from Kenya for the first time, Augyles turanicus (REITTER, 1887) is reported from Algeria for the first time.
  • HUBMANN, M.: Interessante Hakenkäferfunde aus Österreich (Elmidae), p.149, p.
    Two species of Elmidae (Coleoptera) are recorded for the first time from the country Salzburg (Macronychus quadrituberculatus MÜLLER, Normandia nitens MÜLLER) and from the country Oberösterreich (Macronychus quadrituberculatus MÜLLER, Potamophilus acuminatus FABRICIUS).
  • HERNANDO, C. & RIBERA, I.: Tricholimnichus gen.n. and three new species from Borneo (Limnichidae), p.153, p.
    Tricholimnichus gen.n. (Coleoptera: Limnichidae) and three new species, T. maior sp.n., T. sabahensis sp.n. and T. minor sp.n., are described from the island of Borneo (Oriental Region). The new genus seems to be closely related to the Afrotropical Cyclolimnichus DELÈVE.
  • OTERO, J.C., JOHNSON, C. & MIFSUD, D.: Cryptophagids from the Maltese Islands with description of a new species of Micrambe (Cryptophagidae), p.163, p.
    The Cryptophagidae (Coleoptera) of the Maltese Islands are reviewed based on material of earlier records and recent collections. A total of twelve species are reported, of which Micrambe mediterranica OTERO & JOHNSON sp.n. is described from material collected in Malta, Greece and Jordan.
  • CALDARA, R.: Phylogenetic analysis and higher classification of the tribe Mecinini (Curculionidae), p.171, p.
    A phylogenetic analysis of the Mecinini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Curculioninae) was performed to verify the systematic validity of this tribe, to determine its sister group, and to attempt a classification based on the inferred phylogenetic relationships of the included genera and subgenera. From the results obtained by this analysis Cionini are the sister group of Mecinini, whereas Miarini are synonymous with Mecinini. The tribe Mecinini includes the genera Mecinus GERMAR, 1821, Gymnetron SCHÖNHERR, 1825, Rhinusa STEPHENS, 1829, Rhinumiarus gen.n., Cleopomiarus PIERCE, 1919, and Miarus SCHÖNHERR, 1826. Gymnetron subgen. Aprinus DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1893 is a junior synonym of Mecinus, and Colabus SCHÖNHERR, 1843 is synonymized with Gymnetron. The following new taxa are described: Rhinumiarus gen.n. and R. lyali sp.n. from central Argentine, Miarus praecursor sp.n. from Greece (Rhodes), Turkey, and Jordan. The following species are newly transferred from Gymnetron to Mecinus: M. aestivus (HOFFMANN, 1956) comb.n., M. alboscutellatus (HUSTACHE, 1913) comb.n., M. bonnairei (DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1898) comb.n., M. caucasicus (REITTER, 1907) comb.n., M. concavirostris (STÖCKLEIN, 1950) comb.n., M. crassifemur (ARZANOV, 1991) comb.n., M. desertorum (KOROTYAEV, 1994) comb.n., M. elongatus (BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE, 1862) comb.n., M. henrici (ARZANOV, 1991) comb.n., M. ictericus (GYLLENHAL, 1838) comb.n., M. labilis (HERBST, 1795) comb.n., M. latiusculus (JACQUELINE DU VAL, 1855) comb.n., M. linnavuorii (KOROTYAEV, 1994) comb.n., M. longirostris (Pic, 1921) comb.n., M. longulus (DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1893) comb.n., M. ludyi (REITTER, 1907) comb.n., M. marina (KOROTYAEV, 1984) comb.n., M. marmota (FAIRMAIRE, 1883) comb.n., M. nigronotatus (PIC, 1906) comb.n., M. paratychioides (HOFFMANN, 1965) comb.n., M. pascuorum (GYLLENHAL, 1813) comb.n., M. pipistrellus (MARSEUL, 1876) comb.n., M. pirazzolii (STIERLIN, 1867) comb.n., M. plantaginis (EPPELSHEIM, 1875) comb.n., M. sanctus (DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1893) comb.n., M. seriatus (JACQUET, 1888) comb.n., M. simus (MULSANT & REY, 1859) comb.n., M. tychioides (BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE, 1862) comb.n., M. variabilis (ROSENHAUER, 1856) comb.n., M. zherichini (KOROTYAEV, 1994) comb.n. The two following species are newly transferred from Gymnetron to Rhinusa: R. algiricum (BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE, 1862) comb.n. and R. mauritii (DESBROCHERS DES LOGES, 1898) comb.n. The Brazilian species Gymnetron kerhaletii BUQUET, 1842 does not belong to Mecinini; although now lacking a proper generic assignation it must be placed in Curculionidae incertae sedis.
  • RHEINHEIMER, J.: Bestimmungsschlüssel der Gattung Oncorhinus aus Süd- und Mittelamerika (Curculionidae), p.205, p.
    The genus Oncorhinus SCHÖNHERR (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) consists of five medium sized weevils (6-9 mm long) which are distributed in Cental and South America. As the species are variable and quite similar they have been difficult to identify. For this reason a key to the species is presented for the first time.
  • BRANDSTETTER, C.M. & KAPP, A.: Interessante Käferfunde aus Vorarlberg (IV.) (Coleoptera), p.211, p.
    18 little known or rarely collected species of Coleoptera are recorded from Vorarlberg.
  • JÄCH, M.A., KOMAREK, A., SCHILLHAMMER, H., SCHUH, R., & RÖßLER, G.: Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Österreich (X) (Coleoptera), p.217, p.
    Faunistic data of 14 rare or little known species from Austria are provided. One species of Staphylinidae (Acrotona pseudotenera CAMERON) is recorded from Austria for the first time. New provincial records: Carabidae: Metophonus gammeli SCHAUBERGER (Burgenland), Staphylinidae: Philonthus confinis STRAND (Styria), Hydraenidae: Hydraena polita KIESENWETTER (Upper Austria). The rediscovery of Ochthebius lividipennis PEYRON (Hydraenidae) and Potamophilus acuminatus FABRICIUS (Elmidae) in Austria is reported. The conservational status and habitat requirements of Potamophilus acuminatus are briefly discussed. The discovery of a winged specimen of Elmis obscura MÜLLER (Elmidae) is reported for the first time.
  • Nachrufe - obituaries: In memoriam Karel Majer, p.225, p.
  • In memoriam Michael Hansen, p.231, p.
  • Österreichs Insekt des Jahres 2001, p.224, p.
  • Buchbesprechung - book review, p.66, p.
  • Mitteilungen - short notes, p.10, 152, 162, p.